Welcome to Go Programming Language !!!

Zidan Khulul Sajid
3 min readSep 21, 2023



What is Go ???

Go, also known as Golang, is a statically written, compiled programming language developed by Google. Developed by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson, it was first announced in 2007, and first released to the public in 2009. Go was developed with the goals of simplicity, efficiency, and working in perspective often for system design, web development, and various other applications Used for the purpose of.

Go has used by many large companies, there is …

  1. Google: Given that Go was developed at Google, it’s no surprise that the company uses Go extensively in its services and services. Kubernetes, the popular container orchestration platform originally developed by Google, is written in Go. Other Google services use Go for specific tasks.
  2. Facebook: Facebook has adopted Go for many parts of its infrastructure. It is used in projects like groupcache, distributed cache libraries.
  3. Uber: Uber has been using Go in its technology stack to create microservices and backend systems.

Also in Indonesia, some Unicorn companies , there is …

  1. Tokopedia: Tokopedia is the leading e-commerce platform in Indonesia. While they primarily use Java for their backend systems, they have also explored Golang for specific applications where its performance benefits are useful.
  2. Gojek: Gojek, now called GoTo, is a super app that offers a wide range of services including ride-hailing, food delivery, payments, and more. They have implemented Golang in their technology stack to create high-performance, scalable applications.
  3. Traveloka: Traveloka, Indonesia’s online travel and lifestyle booking platform, is known for using Golang in its technology, especially for services that require high concurrency and flexibility
  4. Bukalapak: Bukalapak is one of the leading e-commerce platforms in Indonesia. They are known to use Golang in their backend systems to support their online marketplace.

Some of you may be curious as to why these companies use Golang. Let’s take a look at the highlights of the Golang.

Some of the main features and characteristics of the Go programming language are:

  1. Concurrent programming: Go has built-in support for concurrent through goroutines and methods. Goroutines are short strings that make it easier to write concurrent code, and methods facilitate communication and communication between Goroutines.
  2. Static Typing: Go is statically typed, which means variable types are checked at compile time. This helps catch many common programming errors even before the code is executed.
  3. Compiled Language: Go programs are compiled into machine code, which generally improves performance compared to translated languages.
  4. Garbage collection: Go includes garbage collection, which automatically controls memory allocation and allocation, making it easier for developers to write memory-safe code
  5. Simplicity: Go was designed to be simple and easy to read, with a small and clean syntax. It deliberately omits many features found in other programming languages ​​to reduce complexity.
  6. Standard Library: Go provides a comprehensive standard library that covers a wide range of applications from network programming to text processing, making it easy for developers to get started with various projects
  7. Cross-platform: Go supports multiple platforms including Windows, macOS, and Unix-like operating systems, making it suitable for writing cross-platform applications
  8. Open source: Go is an open source language with a dynamic and growing community. It is licensed to allow its use and distribution.
  9. Strongly Typed: Go enforces strong typing, which means that variables have a specific type that cannot be changed once declared. This helps prevent typographical errors.
  10. Great tools: Go includes powerful development tools, including a formatter (gofmt), a package manager (go get), and a test framework (test), which streamline the development process.

Go has gain popularity in web development (the Gin and Echo frameworks), cloud computing (projects like kubernetes and docker written in Go), and networking.

Next we will learn about fundamentals of Go language , Thanks guys.



Zidan Khulul Sajid

An Software Engineer | Linux Enthusiast