4 min readAug 1, 2022
PC: @rimo_aesthetics

A little Description:

I like conveying things in my personal conversational style, call it a blog, story, or anything you can fit it into. Enjoy!

I didn’t know I was fond of gardening, let’s roll back into the past I was brought up in heavenly scenes of nature. Describing it further, our home was Infront of a spacious land which was quarterly filled with trees and mostly were eucalyptus. In front of our door, there was our little own garden too (it wasn’t a large one, it had 5 plants in total) but my grandfather managed it efficiently and every teen was a fan of it. we used to play there and also planned our parties under the pleasant shadows.

But at that time, I wasn’t mature to love and respect nature as now, I wasn’t able to follow the hidden peace the green shine reflected. Ending my teens, I found ‘Nature Heals’ was true.

Now sitting in front of a pot in which you sowed a seed yourself is no less than giving life to anything. The moment is the same as waiting for something you have invested in, may be similar to waiting to see the first look of your newborn which is always worth the wait. When a tiny little green tentacle tries to peep out that’s a new start of the story and glory. The newborn little one, the cute, unknown of the hardships was in a happy zone. But life isn’t the same every time. A bit grew little angle once was dancing with joy, seeing blue sky turning all dull with cool, soothing blow until the flow turned rigid. One to another corner, waving front and back it was difficult for him to hold himself to his roots. It was something new to him but to his better fortune, he got covered with a shadow of a tree leaning on his back supporting him in his time of agony. A sense of relief was visible in his gestures, suddenly the sky started losing its weight which was burdening it severely, and felt relieved but the little toddler was all drenched in excess water hurting the limbs of his roots and suffocating him badly. He waited patiently and the next sun arose with a new hope. To his uncomplaining silence, the sun shined bright on him and the distress was all faded.

Autumn hit the young grown man, who was all ready to bloom. The hope disappeared, and motivation slidden its way. He was on the verge of chaos. Suddenly something bright confronted him and he observed two parted ways in his view, one had a clean and paved road with lush green trees on the sides with soothing and mild airflow but accompanied with unbearable smell, smoke, and a dark end on the other side. On the other hand, the road was bumpy with blackish green and uneven trees on the side with a humid and hot atmosphere, accompanied by a sweet fragrance and a bright end. The young man was already drained by the autumn hit, he prioritized comfort over every other factor and started moving toward the paved one, but as the journey proceeded, he felt even more tired. And suddenly an alarm started ringing swiftly, in the meantime he heard a whisper “Turn to shine” and he held himself and stood straight to search for the origin of that voice. He noticed that the path with the bright end was shrinking and the intensity of alarm was increasing every minute. He gathered enough courage and jumped abruptly toward the unpaved road, the fresh breeze with sweet fragrance refreshed his soul and the alarm turned off.

The hardships of the path constructed and groomed him to bloom to the fullest, and the end of the road rewarded his spring. Flowers started popping up and the cone-shaped new creatures were all packed in protective shelters, but beyond beautiful. One of them was unique of them, pleasant, fragrant, and enchanting. Over time the flowers blossomed, their fluffy petals struck the airflow and the sweet smell was everywhere welcoming the tiny insects for nectar.

A teenager had a chance to come across this miracle nature. She admired its creator by touching and feeling the fluffiness. She was overwhelmed to breathe in such an ambrosial mix of air. To save this memory to her forever, she plucked the unique one and took her way home.

Ambrosial (especially delicious or fragrant)

She was innocent or may be selfish to save it forever, and like that she took his life.