In a World of Darkness, Focus on The Light

I know some things are lacking, but what are you thankful for? I’ll start with listing 100 items of my own!

ZZ Meditations
19 min readNov 10, 2023
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“I complained that I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.” — proverb

It’s easy to get carried away with negativity and everything wrong in your life and the world. We are bombarded with bad news, tragic events, evil in infinite forms, and suffering that breaks our hearts. The systems that were meant to push through cute kitten videos now saturate our attention with violence, idiocy, and propaganda.

It is challenging to balance this immense force and achieve equilibrium in our minds.

We have two options:

  • Limit our exposure to news, social media, and negative bias input.
  • Replace as much of it as possible with positivity and things that help us feel good.

I have tried social media diets but always fail to maintain them for longer than a few weeks. They’re a source of news and entertainment, even if curated in a way that enrages us, presses our buttons, and glues us to the screens.

So, I always return to the simplest, time-tested way of ensuring my focus is on the good. The one thing that will always make me feel good, without fail. I can do it at any time, anywhere. There are no downsides whatsoever, only an infinite amount of positive aspects.

There were times when I was almost religious in executing this process throughout my day. It not only felt great, but it completely changed my perspective. Despite several debilitating issues in my life, I was walking on clouds. Make it a daily habit and experience the shift for yourself. The worse you feel, the more you should do it.

I’m talking about GRATITUDE, of course.

The simplest of processes, with the most profound effect on our well-being and happiness. It is so simple that people dismiss it entirely. Nothing this easy can work miracles, they argue. They are wrong.

Of all the MIND exercises we can practice, the following three have had the most significant effect on my well-being and happiness:

  1. Seeking inner silence, emptying the mind, detaching from the mind’s rampages.
  2. Forcing myself out of time (past, future) into the present moment.
  3. Practicing gratitude like my life depended on it.

If you add some work on loving and accepting yourself, which I categorize as more challenging than the above, you have all you need to feel good all the time. If you get your mind right, the rest will take care of itself, or you simply won’t care.

But I don’t have anything to be thankful for

I keep hearing the same argument regarding practicing gratitude. People argue that they can’t think of anything to feel grateful for. Their mind is blank. All they see are the things wrong with them and the world. They’re focused solely on lack.

Everything is terrible. Nothing is good. Nothing ever goes well. They are the most unfortunate souls on this planet. All the while, objectively, 80% of the planet’s population would kill to have what they have!

Happiness is an inside job, but so is misery

If you’re one of those people, sit back and let me open your eyes to everything you might have but don’t realize you should be grateful for. This list is meant to remind us both that despite lacking some things, we still have plenty to be thankful for. Use it, if you wish, as a guide, but find your own reasons for gratitude.

Listing things you are grateful for every morning in writing is an excellent exercise to push your focus on all that is good. One hundred might be overkill, but if you have the time, I strongly suggest you attempt it occasionally, especially if you’re feeling down.

I’ve been there more than I would care to admit. It’s a dark place. A little gratitude will always shine a light through the darkness. It’s so simple and yet so powerful. We’re just lazy and fail to utilize it enough. This list has no particular order. I’m just typing it out as it comes to me.

100 things I’m happy and grateful for today

  1. I am happy and grateful I woke up this morning. I’m alive. It’s a new day!
  2. I am happy and grateful for my body. It’s not perfect, but it’s the only one I’ve got. I feel no significant pain.
  3. I am happy and grateful for everything I have in my life. It may not be much, but I appreciate it all.
  4. I am happy and grateful to hear rain bouncing off the roof outside. I can hear! I am warm and dry in my home while rain dances outside.
  5. I am happy and grateful that I have a home. It may not be mine. It may not be perfect. But it’s good enough for now. It could be a lot worse, so I’m thankful I have a home today.
  6. I am happy and grateful that bombs aren’t falling on my home. I am safe. So many people aren’t right now.
  7. I am happy and grateful that I was born in my country and town. It may not be perfect, but it’s safe, peaceful, and relatively prosperous. Life here isn’t bad, and in the grand picture, I am lucky to have landed in this part of the world. There may be places I would rather live, but there are plenty worse places I could have been born in.
  8. I am happy and grateful I don’t have to fear my neighboring country wanting to murder me and my family. I live in peace with my fellow humans. I have no enemies that I know of.
  9. I am happy and grateful that I can walk outside without the fear of being in danger. I can send my daughter to kindergarten and not fear something happening to her. I am blessed!
  10. I am happy and grateful to live in a country where people have good values, and while it’s run by idiots, at least they aren’t religious fanatics, hellbent on some antiquated ideals and with lust for murder. Life is generally good here. Women and minorities are treated well. It’s a good place to raise a girl.
  11. I am happy and grateful that I live in a place without many natural disasters. I don’t have to worry about tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, wildfires, or volcanoes.
  12. I am happy and grateful that I am relatively healthy. I feel good most of the time. I know what it feels like to be seriously sick, and I remember the pain of that existence. Today, I feel okay. That is enough for me.
  13. I am happy and grateful that I have legs to walk with. Not all people are that lucky. Not everyone can move freely around the house or simply go for a walk. I can’t imagine living without my legs. I am lucky.
  14. I am happy and grateful that I have eyes to see. Many people are blind. Life must be hell when you can’t see anything. There’s so much beauty I take for granted. I am lucky.
  15. I am happy and grateful that I can hear. There are so many sounds I would miss if I couldn’t hear. Not all can hear, and even more can’t hear as well as I can.
  16. I am happy and grateful because I have no severe allergies. I can eat what I want without worrying about problems.
  17. I am happy and grateful that I was born a white man, a European, tall, and reasonably handsome (I mean, it could have been much worse). Out of all the different people, I could have been born as this seems like a genetic lottery win in today’s world. I am lucky.
  18. I am happy and grateful to have been born into a good family. No drug or alcohol abuse. No violence. My parents are far from perfect, but I love them nonetheless, and I am lucky to have them.
  19. I am happy and grateful that my parents are still alive. I can’t imagine what life would have been without one or both of them. I am eternally thankful for this.
  20. I am happy and grateful for the privilege of having grandparents when I was growing up. I loved them and had some wonderful times in their company. I am lucky.
  21. I am happy and grateful to have so much love in my life. I may have only a few possessions and money, but have never lacked love. I would never trade it for more money. I’m good.
  22. I am happy and grateful for my girlfriend — this beautiful, loving, happy woman who chose me to spend her life with. I don’t know how I deserve her, but I am thankful for it every day!
  23. I am happy and grateful for my wonderful daughter. I love being her dad. It’s the best thing that ever happened to me. She is perfect, and I love her more than life itself. I am blessed!
  24. I am happy and grateful for having a family of my own. A warm home. To be surrounded by love, acceptance, and understanding. I have all I need.
  25. I am happy and grateful that I have drinkable water from my tap. Not needing to buy water is fantastic.
  26. I am happy and grateful that I have heating in my home. I’m never cold. I can take hot showers. My family is comfortable and warm, no matter the weather outside.
  27. I am happy and grateful that I have electricity. Life without electricity would be exceptionally challenging. Electricity is relatively new to human society. I am lucky to have been born now.
  28. I am happy and grateful for being born in the 1980s into an era of unprecedented peace and prosperity in the world. There was never a better time to be alive. I am so lucky to have been born now and not a thousand or even just a hundred years earlier.
  29. I am happy and grateful to live where drinkable water runs from every hill, where green forests and fertile lands provide everything necessary. A true paradise on earth, when you think of the alternatives like deserts.
  30. I am happy and grateful to have found my passion in writing. I love it. Even though it’s not something that makes me money, it is something I see myself doing for the rest of my life. I have found an excellent channel for my imagination.
  31. I am happy and grateful for my motorcycle. It may be getting old and has its issues, but it’s still awesome and always brings me home safely. I love it.
  32. I am happy and grateful for all the motorcycle trips I’ve had the privilege and pleasure of enjoying. I love these adventures. I may not be able to travel as much as I would like, but most of the world can’t do half of what I’ve done. I am lucky!
  33. I am happy and grateful for all my trips and travels. I loved it and am thankful for the experiences, company, and safe returns. Life is good.
  34. I am happy and grateful for all the life’s little necessities I have at my disposal. I have everything I need and so much more. Maybe not the best there is, but they get the job done. Like this little computer, I’m typing on right now. I am lucky.
  35. I am happy and grateful for always driving safely. Despite my affinity for speed, adrenaline, and adventure, I have never (knocks on wood) had a severe accident. I have never fallen or crashed. It is a miracle, as I was quite an idiot in my early years. I am thankful for over a million kilometers of safe and fun driving.
  36. I am happy and grateful for having access to cheap healthcare. I never have to worry about being able to afford healthcare. I know people will patch me up if something should happen to me, and I won’t have to worry about paying for it.
  37. I am happy and grateful to have all of my teeth. Considering my father had lost half of them by the age of twenty, I feel fortunate.
  38. I am happy and grateful that I am generally happy with a good life. Yes, not all is perfect, especially the money part, but the rest is great. I wouldn’t change much. I do love my life.
  39. I am happy and grateful to have the internet. I can learn anything I want for free. I have all the answers at my reach at any time. I can talk to people from all over the world. I can listen to fascinating discussions from people I admire and respect. Technology is awesome.
  40. I am happy and grateful that I have so much free time and absolute freedom to do whatever I want with it. Most people can’t say that. Yes, I pay a price, but I’m okay with it.
  41. I am happy and grateful that I am never lonely. That is the worst. I would much rather have all this love and companionship in my life than billions in the bank and no one to share them with. I have what matters most.
  42. I am happy and grateful that I have some money in the bank. It’s not much, but it’s not nothing, either. A little safety cushion I am thankful for.
  43. I am happy and grateful that all our bills are always paid on time. I don’t know how, but somehow, we make it through every single month.
  44. I am happy and grateful that we have no debts and no mortgages. We are free.
  45. I am happy and grateful I have a good apartment and a landlord I trust won’t throw me out whenever he feels like it. I am thankful for that mental peace.
  46. I am happy and grateful for all the women who have ever loved me. I love you, ladies, and I thank you for everything. You make life worth living.
  47. I am happy and grateful that one of them deemed me worthy of having a child with me. I am a lucky man, indeed.
  48. I am happy and grateful for surviving the last seven years without having a 9–5 job. I may not be rich, but I am free.
  49. I am happy and grateful for all that I have learned in my life. The lessons might have been brutal and hard-hitting at times, but I wouldn’t be the man I am today without them.
  50. I am happy and grateful for this tasty coffee in my hand right now. I love the aroma, the warmth, and the taste of it.
  51. I am happy and grateful that I always have food on my table. I have never been hungry a day in my life other than by choice. Millions of people, billions probably, have a lot less food at their disposal than me.
  52. I am happy and grateful to have a good woman who loves cooking for me and cooks like an angel. I’m lucky indeed. I don’t miss the days I had to cook (heat up is more accurate) for myself all the time.
  53. I am happy and grateful that I can eat out once a week and have all this insane diversity of cuisine from all over the world available for my taste buds.
  54. I am happy and grateful that my girlfriend understands and loves me despite my many flaws. She deserves better, and I hope I can give her all she deserves someday.
  55. I am happy and grateful for every penny I received throughout my life. It was never much, but it was always enough.
  56. I am happy and grateful for everyone who gave me a chance and accepted me into their teams when I needed it. I am thankful for their trust and the times we spent together.
  57. I am happy and grateful for all the bosses who taught me the business, even the ones I didn’t like all that much. I learned a lot either way.
  58. I am happy and grateful for all the paychecks I received in my life.
  59. I am happy and grateful for all the weird little situations that miraculously resolved themselves when they seemed impossible.
  60. I am happy and grateful for all the coffee’s with friends — the companionship, conversations, and brainstorming. I am thankful for my friends.
  61. I am happy and grateful for all the small moments when I was happy, present, and complete.
  62. I am happy and grateful for the passion I shared with wonderful people. The fun we had. The good moments forever entrenched in my memories.
  63. I am happy and grateful for all my readers. Yes, I am happy and thankful for YOU, dear reader. Thank you for your time and attention. I appreciate it immensely.
  64. I am happy and grateful for everyone who believed in me and encouraged me to push on when I was losing motivation or strength.
  65. I am happy and grateful to the doctor who set me down and, through tough love and honesty, made me realize my life as I knew it was over and that I had to make a change. Thank you.
  66. I am happy and grateful that I burned out all those years ago. While it was a challenging period, it helped me realize my priorities and stop wasting time chasing money and my career. I am a completely different person today, primarily due to that experience.
  67. I am happy and grateful that I have managed to heal an unhealable disease. I guess miracles do happen.
  68. I am happy and grateful that I can eat and drink whatever I want and feel fine. I still vividly remember that it was the exact opposite for most of my life.
  69. I am happy and grateful that I can do sports, travel, and live a life relatively free of worry and pain when, for the first 25 years, this was impossible. Life is so much better now that I am healthy. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
  70. I am happy and grateful for all the good books I devoured. I loved learning about the world and myself from nonfiction and losing myself in fictional worlds on all sorts of adventures.
  71. I am happy and grateful for all the great movies and TV shows I enjoyed. They were always my happy place.
  72. I am happy and grateful for all the video games I enjoyed. They helped me get through some tough, lonely times.
  73. I am happy and grateful for my car. It may be an old rusty diesel, but it gets the job done and has never left us stranded by the side of the road. I am thankful that while it’s worth practically nothing, it takes care of all our needs for the time being.
  74. I am happy and grateful for having a healthy back and being almost without back pain. I’ve had issues all my life until I took my exercises seriously. I see all my friends struggling with their backs lately, and I am so thankful that mine is still holding firm despite my predisposition for problems.
  75. I am happy and grateful for all the beautiful moments of silence. Be it in meditation or before sleep. When the world is slowing down, and my mind stands still. Perfect tranquility is the silence of the mind. I am fortunate to have learned to cultivate this state on demand.
  76. I am happy and grateful for always finding people who help me solve my problems, like my mechanic friend who keeps my car running cheaply. I do appreciate it. Thank you, brother.
  77. I am happy and grateful for all the kind people I’ve met in my life. I have mostly good experiences that overshadow the bad.
  78. I am happy and grateful for all the gifts I’ve ever received. Be them material or immaterial.
  79. I am happy and grateful for everyone who sees me as their friend and calls me occasionally to see how I’m doing. Especially since I’m so bad at staying in touch. I love you all!
  80. I am happy and grateful for being virtually free from anxiety after suffering greatly for years. I’m glad I’ve learned how to change my perspective and work with the concept of an unknown future instead of fighting it.
  81. I am happy and grateful that I have never had to use violence in my life. Not really, not in my adult age. It came very close occasionally, but somehow, things resolved without bloodshed. So many situations that could have ended badly didn’t.
  82. I am happy and grateful I don’t have to worry about being robbed on the street or raped, or worse. I am lucky to be a strong man who has learned to take care of himself. I can’t even imagine walking around in the body of a fragile girl. The world seems a lot scarier from that perspective.
  83. I am happy and grateful for the time I had with my loved ones. Some have left this world, but at least we spent many beautiful years together. Years I am immensely thankful for. Thank you, dears, for all the lovely memories and all that you have done for me.
  84. I am happy and grateful for all the close calls on the road that ended in my favor. There were plenty of instances when my life could have been over. Hundreds, in fact. And yet, here I am. Alive and well. I am lucky.
  85. I am happy and grateful for all the people who take care of the difficult jobs in my surroundings: the road workers, plumbers, electricians, construction workers, sanitary workers, doctors, and police officers. I am thankful to live in a world where you take care of these things, and the rest of us get to enjoy them. Thank you!
  86. I am happy and grateful for having the privilege of spending a few wonderful years with my dog. She was the most beautiful soul I have ever encountered. While she departed this world too soon, I am thankful for the company and the love. I love you, girl, and I miss you.
  87. I am happy and grateful that we somehow avoided a full-blown war just three decades ago when the enemy attacked our borders. I remember hiding in the underground shelter as enemy planes flew above, and the air rade sirens permeated the atmosphere. An amazing combination of luck, courage, and rational leadership prevented the worst-case scenario. We were the only ones who got off virtually unscathed compared to our neighbors. It could have been us. That death and destruction could have been a part of my life story. I am so incredibly thankful it was not.
  88. I am happy and grateful to live on a planet bursting with beauty. Nature is the best. The culmination of random factors and the incredible luck that resulted in our planet being what it is today is fantastic. We are lucky to be here.
  89. I am happy and grateful that I live in a civilized society of this century. It’s not without its faults, and things could always be better, but historically speaking, I would never want to live in any other time! I am lucky.
  90. I am happy and grateful to have a closet full of clothes, shoes, and everything I need. Millions of people around the globe are not that lucky.
  91. I am happy and grateful that, while I have very little income, I somehow manage to live a good life. Fewer things in exchange for more time and love. I am lucky.
  92. I am happy and grateful for everyone writing on the internet from whom I have learned so much, all for free. Sharing knowledge and helping each other is priceless and easily achievable in today’s digital world.
  93. I am happy and grateful for my comfortable bed and sweet rest. I’ve experienced insomnia, and I am immensely thankful I sleep like a baby.
  94. I am happy and grateful that my daughter is healthy and happy. I love her without end. I’m also glad she sleeps well, for the most part. Many do not.
  95. I am happy and grateful that there are people out there risking their lives to protect us from harm. We don’t see them, but they are hard at work. We only see when they fail. I, for one, am thankful for their sacrifice.
  96. I am happy and grateful for the family road trip with camping in Sardinia this year. It was fun, and the ladies loved it. Good times!
  97. I am happy and grateful for already having written 96 things I’m happy and grateful for, and I only have to find three more, haha.
  98. I am happy and grateful for brave men and women who openly discuss the issues we all know need talking about but aren’t courageous enough to do so ourselves (because of consequences, censorship, cancelations, or job loss). I am thankful there are people out there exposing lies, corruption, and insanities we see but pretend aren’t there.
  99. I am happy and grateful that light always wins out on a long enough timeline, and life is getting better and better on a personal and societal level. There is always hope.
  100. I am happy and grateful for being alive today, and mostly for not being afraid of death. Through my appreciation of the present moment, understanding of reality, the realization of the shortness of life, and living fully now within my capability, I am free from the ultimate fear that plagues billions. Life is good when you don’t fear it ending.

Deary me, people! The list of one hundred things I am happy and grateful for today is complete. That took a little longer than I would have liked, but damn, if I don’t feel better after having done the exercise.

You never know what you’ll write when you start, but with a focus on the good, ideas start flowing without end. You’ll notice more of the things you focus on. Whether good or bad. I wrote one hundred, but I could easily add one hundred more.

You don’t have to do so many, but please spend more time and attention on the good than the bad in your life. There is much to love and be thankful for. Sometimes, we take things for granted and don’t notice how blessed we are. Remind yourself of that daily. It will challenge your perspective and transform your experience of life.

When thinking or writing about things you’re thankful for, try to really feel that gratitude and appreciation. Don’t let these be just superficial exercises but deeply moving recollections of all that is good in your life.

Do you struggle to see the good in your life?

If you can’t find anything to be happy and grateful for, list the five things or people that mean the most to you.

Then, imagine they were taken away from you!

  • How badly would you miss the people and things you take for granted today?
  • What of those things would you exchange for whatever you believe is missing in your life?
  • Would you exchange your right arm for a million dollars? Your eyes? Ears? A leg, perhaps? How about twenty years of your life for ten million? No? How about forty years for a billion? Still no?

That would indicate you have something very precious to be thankful for, don’t you think? Something worth millions, even billions. Shifting your focus from what is lacking to what is present is a game changer for how you feel about your life.

Have you looked around the world lately?

  • Can you really claim that your life couldn’t be any worse?
  • Are there no people who have much less and would cry tears of joy to have what you have?

So, what are you happy and grateful for today?

I would love to read some of your lists, large and small. Let’s focus on the good for a change. Nothing is ever perfect, and neither are we. So what? We are who we are, and we are where we are in life. It could be better, but it could also be much worse. What will you focus on?

In case you missed it above — I am happy and grateful for you, dear reader. Thank you for your time and attention. It means a lot. Have a good day.

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ZZ Meditations

I write about the mind, perspectives, inner peace, happiness, life, trading, philosophy, fiction and short stories.