Interested in Sci-Fi, Aliens, Parallel Universes, AI, and the Unknown?

“Interdimensional Talks,” is a FICTIONAL RADIO SHOW where we talk to guests from all over the Multiverse.

ZZ Meditations
3 min readFeb 21, 2024
Interested in science fiction, fantasy, parallel universes, alternative possibilities, the unexplained and the unknown, then welcome to the show!
Image created by “AI tool Microsoft Bing Image Creator powered by DALL·E” — the author has the provenance and copyright.

What is the show about?

Interdimensional Talks is the only talk show in history that is being broadcast on all possible radio waves throughout the galaxy and distributed across the multiverse. At least as far as we know.

How is it possible to talk to aliens and parallel universes?

I would love to tell you the how and the why it all works, but then I’d have to kill you. Just kidding. We don’t know precisely how the technology works. We sort of found and borrowed it, and to be honest, we don’t care. Neither should you, dear listeners and readers. Let us not look a gifted horse into its mouth.

This is your chance to find out what living on other planets, in other realms, and even in other universes is like. No commercials, no bullshit, no propaganda. We promise. Just your host, Mike, and the most diverse caliber of guests you won’t even believe.

Where else can you hear interviews with aliens, non-corporeal beings, artificial intelligence, and entities from across the parallel universes?

I’m waiting.

Nowhere! That’s right. Come to think of it, we should monetize the sh*t out of this show. But alas, we’re good people here in the studio. We’re not interested in getting rich other than in money and love. Our motivation is purer than diamonds.

  • We care only about learning new cultures and perspectives, while exploring the universe in search of life as different from ours as possible.
  • We also love discussing our differences and likenesses with humans from parallel universes.
  • If you’ve ever wondered what the ecosystem and society could have developed on Earth had some minute detail of our early history been altered, wonder no more.

Tune in and find out directly from the sources themselves.

Let’s have some fun exploring the universe of ideas together.

Make sure to follow and subscribe so you don’t miss an episode! Like, share and comment if you enjoy our show. Let’s get the word out!

EPISODES on Substack:

They’re coming to Medium for your reading pleasure only!

Cassius — Ascending Into Digital Form: What Is it Like To Have no Body?
(Interdimensional Talks -Episode 6)

In a parallel universe, humanity transcended their bodies to live in a digital world. Would you upload your consciousness to the cloud in exchange for immortality?

Enekian, Our Lost Atlantian Brother Reaches Out
(Interdimensional Talks — Episode 5)

What happened to Atlantis? Where did they disappear and why? We talk to a descendant of the ancient Atlantians and get our minds blown!

Etherious Maximus — A Life Eternal
(Interdimensional Talks — Episode 4)

What is it like to immortal? To never die? To live for hundreds, even thousands of years?

An Alien Predator On a Journey of Radical Transparency
(Interdimensional Talks — Episode 3)

We talk to Xsidious, The Great Hunter, about his personal journey of philosophy and the way of his people.

Collective Amnesia Every 364 Days
(Interdimensional Talks — Episode 2)

A fictional story about humans whose memory gets wiped every new year. How do they deal with it and what we can learn from them?

Self-Aware General Artificial Intelligence
(Interdimensional Talks — Episode 1)

What would you ask a conscious general artificial intelligence? Below is our conversation.



ZZ Meditations

I write about the mind, perspectives, inner peace, happiness, life, trading, philosophy, fiction and short stories.