Why does it matter if we live in a simulation or not?

What difference does it make? Is it worth exploring this idea? I argue the answer is YES.

ZZ Meditations
8 min readFeb 16, 2024
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To be frank, it only matters if you enjoy thinking about the grand ideas of life, the nature of reality, and yourself and want to understand life and the universe. If you’re happy in your little bubble of imagined material reality, not only does it not matter to you, but you probably shouldn’t touch the subject, as it might mess you up.

I suppose the first reason would be the pursuit of “truth”

To know what is real and what is not. To understand the nature of reality and, with it, who and what you are. To make sense of the infinite open questions that gnaw at your soul. To find lasting inner peace and tranquility in the understanding, perhaps even meaning and the ever-illusive answer to the eternal question of the purpose of life.

In all likelihood, the truth will elude us some more, and all questions will only multiply, not get answered. Such is the nature of wisdom. The more you know, the more you realize you know nothing, especially in a world so full of contradictions and mysteries. Still, we shall never give up!

Either everything is material and solid, separate, or nothing is

  • If we live in a material world, there can be no God or miracles, there can be no Law of Attraction, no mind over matter influence, and we have no real power over anything.
  • You would also have to close your eyes to Quantum physics and ignore all the inconsistencies in scientific theories.
  • There is no purpose, no meaning, other than to reproduce and simply survive. Chemicals, randomness, and physics rule the day.
  • We are mere material thinking animals stuck on a revolving planet hurtling through space. We stand at the mercy of everything and everyone.

Even though it feels like the safer option, it’s really not. It makes us victims of circumstances and takes away our power.

Unexplainable and impossible become normal and probable

When we delve deeper into science, philosophy, or spirituality, we inevitably hit roadblocks. Dead ends that are the consequence of a limited or false understanding of our reality. If everything is as firm, material, and separate as we have been taught to believe, then nothing makes sense anymore.

We think we’ve come to understand the physical laws of the universe, and then quantum physics comes along to ruin the party.

We believe that we are all separate beings, material, and individual, and then we hear of all sorts of “miracles,” incidents, stories, and reports that seem absolutely impossible. We might even personally experience one or two, especially if we meet Mrs. Death in a close call.

  • They are impossible for this particular model of the universe. They make no sense. They can’t be true. They must be lies or mistakes in perception.
  • But they’re completely normal, plausible, and logical if we look at this reality from the viewpoint of a simulation, illusion, mental projection, or dream world.

Are millions of people lying, seeking attention by making up stories, hallucinating, imagining things, and things just randomly happening in an impossible way, or is there perhaps another explanation? Are they all insane, and you’re the only sane one? Which is it?

I ended up on this journey of exploration by trying to understand the things that didn’t make sense.

I believe that if you want to understand the universe, yourself, and how things really operate, the material separation model of the universe simply will not do. Granted, it’s entirely possible that this theory is wrong, and there is a completely different truth to the matter, one we’ve not yet figured out.

One perspective makes sense of everything, and the other keeps hitting inconsistencies, impossibilities, and problems.

Until you give it some proper thought, the material view will make sense to you, and you’ll just assign all those “inconsistencies, outliers, and contradictions” a label of fakeness, coincidence, or even miracle.

To those looking from another perspective, they’re neither. They make perfect sense. They are the norm instead of the exception.

If you allow yourself to entertain the idea that we live in a simulation, an illusion, a mental projection, a matrix, or a dream reality, then a whole new perspective opens up to you.

One that will confuse the hell out of you in the beginning but will explain everything in time. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. It feels like you’ve peaked behind the curtain of the play.

You’ll see these patterns everywhere

Noticing the delicate interconnectedness of everyone and everything, you begin to see the “cause and effect” relationships everywhere. Nothing is just random noise anymore. Everything makes sense now. Everything is connected.

Could it be another illusion, and we are wrong?

Of course. But it makes a hell of a lot more sense than the “mainstream” perspective, which doesn’t really explain anything, is stuck on the surface, and keeps running into things that don’t fit the narrative or known explanations, which it then sweeps under the rug, pretending they don’t exist.

How do I know that we live in a simulation?

I don’t. No one can know this while stuck in the simulation. But for me, it explains everything that I couldn’t explain before. It makes sense, even though it’s a hard pill to swallow. Hence my attempts at brainwashing myself.

So, I choose to explore it further.

I play with the idea. I keep reminding myself of the nature of reality. I try to explain everything I see through this perspective, and for the most part, it all makes sense now.

The longer I see the world and everything in it through the perspective of living in a dream world, a simulation, the more it all makes sense. More and more evidence keeps showing up.

It’s not an easy mentality and perspective to maintain sometimes

Life gets in the way. Bad things happen, and they send you spiraling. Doubt creeps in. Forgetting the cause of all, you get lost in daily challenges. Sometimes, the simulation wins, and you become the NPC all over again.

You may know that all cause is mental, but can you control your mind?

Of course, this could mean that I’m descending into madness and all reason has abandoned me

How does knowing that you live in a simulation change your life?

In truth, it only changes it if you implement that idea into practice.

Understanding that the mind is all, that nothing is material, and that we’re all connected opens up infinite doors to seeing the world anew. And to playing within this world by our own rules, per our own desires.

No longer are we just puppets, helpless victims, but powerful creators manipulating our reality with our minds. One is empowering. The other is not.

  • If we live in a game, we might as well have fun and play to win (taking it less seriously)!
  • If we are dreaming, and we control this dream of ours, let it be on our terms!
  • If this is all an illusion, waking up from it will reveal the truth.
  • If we live in a simulation, we would want to know the rules so that we can live the best lives possible.
  • If none of this is real, then neither are our problems!
  • If our body isn’t real but instead a made-up construct, then we don’t have to identify with it and can change it with our mind.
  • If the mind controls the simulation, then it would make sense to focus our energy on learning to control our mind.
  • If we’re not separate, then we are one. Everyone is me pushed outward. This changes everything.

I would encourage you to try this perspective on

Look at the world, relationships, stories, and people through this new lens. See if it makes any sense to you. Follow along as we discuss this idea further. Take it easy and gently open yourself up to new possibilities.

Then, begin experimenting by deliberately manipulating your reality, using your mind.

What do you think will happen to you and your world view, if:

  • You consistently imagine something highly improbably, almost impossible in your mind, and then see it play out in your life, as per your inner script?
  • You see people say and act exactly as you imagined them to, despite them never doing anything similar? They recite your imagined scripts, word for word!
  • You read millions of testimonies from people who have used the power of their minds to alter their realities, heal, and achieve the impossible?
  • You have healed an injury or even an incurable disease within just by changing the image and “feel” of yourself in your mind? Especially if the doctors tld you, it was impossible.
  • You begin seeing the connections in the people you know and love? Understanding that mind is all, you now see how they cause everything in their lives. The good and the bad. You see, the patterns, the cause and effect, always play out without exceptions in everyone.
  • You recognize your own thought patterns, words, and images you entertained that lead you to your current and past situations in life?
  • You experiment by visualizing, and then, as if by some miracle, things show up unexpectedly in your life? Good and bad. Fears and dreams, manifesting with consistency. They were all caused by you, and now you see it. Now you know.

There are only two possible outcomes and zero risk

Most wave their hands and call them weird but happy coincidences and move on. I didn’t cause that. It would have happened either way. It happened because x or y.

Falling back into their old pattern of thoughts and perspectives, they again become the victims of their subconscious minds (that run the simulation), believing the whole world is against them. Thrown about by the current of life and other people’s ideas, which they allow into their minds, they lose sight of the causality and assign it to randomness or fate and blame others for their problems.

Those who persist, and are able to see things from a different perspective, without being overwhelmed by this transition emotionally, go deeper and further. They live from the seat of power and understanding, at peace and unbothered by the simulated world around them. They find comfort in understanding how and why things happen.

They make things happen, sometimes with great success, other times failing to control their minds. But they are always cognisant of the true cause of everything. They know where to begin working on things that bother them- within.

Only time will tell which group you belong to.

Oh, there is one more huge benefit to it all that we will discuss in a separate post because it deserves it. It eliminates the fear of death!

So, you know, follow, subscribe, and follow along!

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ZZ Meditations

I write about the mind, perspectives, inner peace, happiness, life, trading, philosophy, fiction and short stories. https://zzmeditations.substack.com/