2 min readApr 8, 2016

Digital Revolution Has Arrived!


60 billion emails are sent every day. 1 billion people around the globe are online. Email changed the way we communicate, video is beginning to change the entire world…particularly for people that can see it!


So now it will be possible for you to send an email in video format (the recipient is able to see and listen to you), rather than common boring text, to anyone in the world! You’ll be capable of do video blogging, podcasting, video IM, and live web broadcasting (all in one account if you need to)!

The Internet is evolving in to a place where all media, entertainment and details meet. Today, approximately $2 Billion a year will be used on movies online services. This number is projected to cultivate to $12 billion over the years to come, according to industry analysts!

The digital age has arrived to stay. Streaming video is easily becoming a standard fixture on many popular websites, and it’s really just from the infancy stage!

Digital Age will bring the most important paradigm shift which our society has seen. It’s slowly crept for us in order that most people are surprised to discover they may have an electronic digital life.

But the vacation photos which were being placed in your digital camera or mobile phone as well as the
songs that you simply downloaded from the Internet aren’t disappearing. Nor is the Digital Age. Time Magazine confirmed as much by recently selecting all blogging platforms.0 content creators as his or her “2007 Person of year.”

So if you are ready for the new way to communicate and social media, streaming video is often a tool you actually need to take a look at!

Equipping a generation to take its place in digital revolution | Jamie Lee Brett | TEDxWandsworth