Trias: Achieve Blockchain Ecology Really Implementable

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9 min readJul 19, 2019

Since the birth of the first computer IAS, after decades of continuous development, the information technology has been progressing rapidly. Especially in the recent 10 years, breakthroughs have been made in cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things and artificial intelligence technology.

At present, all kinds of intelligent machines have become indispensable infrastructure in human life. A variety of intelligent machines around us have brought about infinite convenience and hidden risks. We should know that any defective technology or non-standard management may have intelligent machines out of control; the increasingly evolving hacker attack technology, for example, rainbow attack, makes it possible for hackers to manipulate those machines.

In this context, how to reconstruct the computer system and make people believe in machine has become a new and urgent need of human beings in the future. At this moment, with the world’s cutting-edge technical concept and the belief of “changing the world for the benefit of mankind”, a new generation of intelligent contract platform, development framework and collaborative ecosystem blockchain project Trias emerged as the times require, which can be compatible with native applications.

Academic basis: Supported by Oxford University and Peking University, with a theoretical framework established

Ruan Anbang, the founder and CEO of Trias, is a doctor of Oxford University. After the founding of Trias, Ruan visited his mentor, Professor Andrew Martin, during his return visit to Oxford University. He also exchanged views with Professor Andrew Martin on the trusted computing, blockchain and other problems of Trias, focusing on the current technological development, implementation status and relevant other information of Trias.

The Professor recognized Trias’ research on blockchain and said that he would carry out joint research projects with Trias. Both sides will jointly train doctoral students in the direction of “Trusted Computing + Blockchain” since 2019. At the same time, Professor Andrew Martin himself will join the Trias team as chief academic adviser.

(Right: Professor Andrew Martin; left: Ruan Anbang)

Trias is also closely related to Peking University. Ruan Anbang, Trias CEO, was a master of computer science from Peking University before his PhD in Oxford. Wei Ming, CTO, also spent his master and doctoral careers in Peking University. Yin Chaoming, a senior research and development officer, was a master of Peking University.

So far, SSM (School of Software & Microelectronics of Peking University) — OCTA has organized more than 20 technical seminars jointly with Trias. Besides Trias technicians, the seminar participants also included Professor Shen Qingnian, Director of the Department of Network Software and System Security, School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University, Professor Yang Yahui, Associate Professor Fang Yuejian, as well as numerous Ph.D. postgraduates from School of Software & Microelectronics of Peking University.

Different seminars have different themes focusing on such key objects from Trias’ technology application practice to the development status of other blockchain projects and technology, as well as the discussion around the top conference papers.

In addition, the laboratory of Peking University also provides practical technical support for subsistent problems. Of course, the Trias team is still responsible for the main development work, but School of Software & Microelectronics of Peking University will produce demos to demonstrate various effects and effectively solve some of the problems.

Application: Seven Major Sections Started up and Implemented Successively

A year ago, in July 2018, Trias officially released White Paper 1.0. In the past year, the whole industry has been cold, with a large number of bad projects returning to zero, running or closing down, and as the leader in the blockchain world, Bitcoin once fell to about $3200.

Even though we have experienced such an environment, we can now be proud to announce that Trias has progressed its projects as scheduled, achieved remarkable results and realized most of the planned development programs in this year.

On the basis of core technology, we have dug deep into industry pain points and customer demands, studied product application practice, and attached importance to business development law and innovative cooperation mode. At present, the industry Internet trusted data platform based on Trias blockchain technology has been applied in power, ocean, agriculture, forestry, e-commerce, fire protection, finance and other fields.

For example, in Fuzhou, located in the southern part of Jiangxi Province, Trias will help one of its counties optimize its pillar industry — substations based on blockchain applications.

(Trias CTO Wei Ming is demonstrating the operating system to representatives)

For example again, Trias, together with Soochow Securities, created the “Trusted Operation and Maintenance System of Financial Information System Based on Artificial Intelligence”, which ever appeared at Shenzhen Stock Exchange Technology Conference in 2018. As one of the only two blockchain projects at the conference, this system, once debuting, was widely praised and received close attention from experts from many domestic and foreign institutions and “Belt and Road” countries, including representatives from Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Technology: Three Subsystems Collaborate Dynamically, Leviatom Design Completed

According to the design, Trias has three subsystems: Leviatom Trusted Computing Power Network, Prometh and MagCarta (Magna Carta) in the contract system. At present, the Leviatom layer has been basically developed.

The major technical problems on this layer have been solved in succession, such as TEE authentication data, pluggable architecture, P2P small-world network propagation, Gossip propagation mechanism, high ladder and super-node computing mode and DAG graph computing. Simultaneously, Prometh and MagCarta toolkits are also gradually improving and can be officially released in no time.

According to the design of Trias, its three subsystems are equivalent to the decentralized model with the three powers separated, able to achieve the dynamic balance of powers through cooperation and mutual restriction, and eventually realize the fairness and justice of the information world.

Among the three subsystems, the core value of Leviatom is to rank the participating nodes trustfully and to improve security and efficiency by forming consensus among the nodes higher in ranking. Prometh has established a trusted traceability system for the software supply chain, which can ensure that developers’ codes will not be leaked or tampered with, but can be subject to security evaluation and audit. This requires a certain scheduling system and an incentive mechanism; after all, more trusted nodes will have a higher power for bargaining. As a result, ultimate coordination needs to be completed by the MagCarta contract and token system.

Software is vulnerable to external attacks and data is not entirely untrustworthy, so blockchain has been born; the rise of blockchain and intelligent contract technology has brought a new dawn for building a reliable software system, but it is difficult to make great progress due to the restrictions on compatibility, security and performance. However, Trias is dedicated to building new computer architecture to solve these problems, so it sounds as if Trias’ blueprint is really grand.

In addition, since Trias test net was completed online, wallets and block browsers have been released. In May this year, Trias demonstrated security protection and wallet trading on site by Trias R&D staff at MeetUP held in Korea. Reality has proved that the consensus nodes of Leviatom network supported by HCGraph (Heterogeneous consensus graph) algorithm of TEE are competent enough to resist DDoS attacks. Compared with the existing blockchain wallet, Trias wallet is more secure and reliable, and the use procedures are more concise and clear.

Strategy: Domestic Governmental Support, Overall Layout in East Asia — Japan and Korea

In particular, Trias can have its technology extracted on the basis of the public chain, able to provide technical support for the alliance blockchain and double insurance, which can ensure the vitality of the Trias technology.

Nowadays, more and more blockchain projects are supported by government agencies at all levels, and some of the excellent projects are even working closely with the government. This is considered to be a good example for other projects to develop blockchain services in China.

In China, almost every platform and organization wants to use advanced technologies, including big data, artificial intelligence and cloud computing, etc. to optimize their production lines and structures, but they are often hesitant because of the growing fear of trustworthiness. At this time, as a project hoping to build a decentralized general computing infrastructure, Trias uses its own technology to help them understand how blockchain address concerns about data security and then build a trustworthy system jointly with partners.

Overseas, in June this year, the Trias team set up a Japanese corporate Trias Japan joint-stock company in the Tokyo Port Area, with the Congressman of the House of Representatives, Banri Kaieda, and Yukio Ogata of Node Tokyo Founder present to offer congratulations.

(Left: Ruan Anbang; right: Banri Kaieda)

More than 40 media reported on this event, such as Japan Head Media News Agency, Asahi News, Sankei Shimbun News and Toyo Keizai Online.

In addition to Japan, Trias is planning to set up branches in Korea, Singapore and other places. Earlier, Trias ignited the enthusiasm of the Korean Blockchain Community in MeetUP held in Korea and won unanimous praise from the Korean blockchain industry and the Kakao Community. Joongang Tongyang Broadcasting Company (JTBC) acted as the full-course media support for the event.

Economy: Encrypt New Economic Models and Example Enterprise Financing

Bitcoin and ETH, as successful examples of blockchain, used tokens and simple Turing of the first generation of blockchain to have improved the intelligent contract model and brought incentive tokens to the current human de-centralization and the approach to describe the de-centralization applications of the world.

On the basis of blockchain and intelligent contract, Trias has achieved heterogeneous consensus trusted blockchain technology, which can bring the current blockchain ecosystem into a multi-dimensionally changing consensus world, and will lead human beings into a more credible decentralized information world in an all-round manner.

Trias aims at constructing a trustworthy system and reshaping human-computer trust by creating new computer architecture. Now let’s roughly outlook its values — —

Firstly, in the future, Trias can run other projects such as ETH and EOS as DApp by virtue of its excellent basic operating environment. Trias can select a few high-trustworthy nodes to reach consensus, not only able to make the system more secure and stable, but also change the blockchain status of inefficiency and slow speed, so that the consensus speed could be significantly upgraded.

Secondly, Trias has found the balance between security and complexity through the “verification + traceability” framework provided by Prometh, and completed the construction and security evaluation of complex intelligent contracts, and accordingly formed good community ecology by introducing the incentive mechanism.

Thirdly, Trias can release trusted data on the blockchain and put the key data into TEE during execution without being affected by abnormal processes/threads/malicious files. On this basis, the information on the chain can be integrated to establish a security model and provide a firm basis for the development of the fields related to big data.

Fourthly, with the advent of the era of interconnection of all things and the popularity of intelligent devices, creating a large number of application innovations have been achieved, thus to have formed a huge database. In this era, we are not only the producers of data, but also the users of data and furthermore the beneficiaries of big data. To further promote the values of data, Trias allows the entire network to join in data sharing and enjoy the dividend from accelerated blockchain.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that based on the tokens issued by Trias, TRY has launched KuCoin in Singapore Exchange and Bitcmon in Korea Exchange, which may be an important innovation comparable to the model for listing and financing of joint-stock enterprises.


After one year’s rapid development, Trias has made remarkable progress in technology implementation, product application and completed projects. So far, Trias has had a clear path to development. Although there are still many problems to be solved in the future, Trias will firmly track such a path.

Time will tell us what will happen in the future and whether the new computer architecture can be achieved.




Trustworthy and Reliable Intelligent Autonomous Systems