UltrAlpha Official
11 min readAug 30, 2019


Host:Cosmov (founder)

Guest:Han Liu(CEO), Christina Jin(CMO)

Han: Hi guys, I’m Han, CEO of UAT. A quick intro on my background. Before joining crypto, I worked at traditional wall street for quite a few years, starting at the asset management giant Blackrock. Later on, I also worked at AQR Capital Management for a few years, before joining the founding team of BitMax in 2018. A few months ago, I decided to leave BitMax to found UAT. Looking forward to answering all your questions.

Christina Jin: Hi guys! My name is Christina, CMO of UltrAlpha. Thank you all for the enthusiasm! Let me briefly introduce myself, I majored in Accounting and Economics in college, and I graduated from New York University with a degree in Marketing. I once founded a cross-border e-commerce Haitao platform and has worked for Ogilvy & Mather, BMW. After entering the Blockchain field, I served as CMO at Ankr Network.Very happy to be here at Tapchilblockchain community today.

Host: Please introduce to us your UAT project.

Christina: UltrAlpha is a digital asset management service platform that provides users with quality investment products provided by 3rd party fund managers/trading teams. To introduce UltrAlpha Platform, let’s start with the main pain point of the industry, which is that investors don’t have access to investment products that might suit their needs, and trading teams don’t have access to the client base. UAT is designed to solve this problem.

Q: Why does UltrAlpha lock 150 million UAT permanently? Is this beneficial to the project?

Christina: The main reason behind permanent lock-up is to reduce circulation and to encourage deflation. The goal is to balance the natural inflation caused by unlocking more tokens over time. The benefit is seen as a long-term stability and hopefully steady growth of token price with the growth of the platform as a reward mechanism to our token investors.

Q: Where does UltrAlpha’s core profit come from? How will your team make UAT become a win-win solution for investors and the platform?

Han: 1. UAT charges a fixed monthly service from investment product teams, based on the size of their product. 2. We hope to only list quality products whose management teams have strong profit generating capabilities, so investors can benefit from investing in these products. We hope to attract more users’ investment with quality products, which in turn attracts more quality products to list on our platform. We hope to build and maintain such a virtuous cycle.

Q: What happens when big funds jump into this game?

Christina: First of all, big players entering a new market will always pose a threat to existing start-ups, this is true in all industries and we don’t intend to overlook that. Our advantages are also clear 1.) A much smaller company size means we can be much more adaptive to changes. This is especially important in crypto industry known for its fast-pace. 2.) We have much more in-depth knowledge from our core trading team in the crypto space.

Q: 1. Which inspiration has led you to founding UltrAlpha and what is your most important goal when you founded UltrAlpha?

1. Mostly my experience in traditional finance, especially in the asset management field. We see a major pain point in the crypto industry which is the lack of effective communication between investors with investing demands and teams with asset management capabilities. We believe there is a strong opportunity in solving this problem. 2. UAT aims to be a global platform, so we will gladly work with all communities as long as regulations and jurisdictions allow. Even back at BitMax we had much valued the Vietnam community, and we intend to do the same at UAT. 3. Exchanges in the current world naturally have the best resources connecting investors and trading teams, so partnership with a strong exchange like Bitmax is definitely a boost start for UAT. Additionally, many of the founding team, including myself, came from BitMax so the partnership is very effective.

Q: What is your next plan to raise the awareness as well as the consent of all investors in professional asset management?

Christina: Since we believe the large demand already exists for our platform, we are confident to increase adoption by launching quality products on the service platform and demonstrate ourselves as a professional player by attracting organic awareness and adoption from both the investors and trading teams. We are now on track with the roadmap in whitepaper. And we will officially launch our first investment products tomorrow. Our next step is to bring more quality investment products on board while increasing awareness of our service platform. For whitepaper please check out our website

Q: How will your team ensure that UAT remains the top platform and keep pace ahead of their competitors, in the next 5 years and beyond?

Han: It’s hard to predict 5 years, especially in crypto industry, but UAT team will definitely continue staying on top of the industry movement and continue delivering quality products and platform to build and remain reputation and trust with both the investors and the trading teams to promote an organic growth of the platform.

Q: With blockchain being such a young industry, partnerships are an integral component of any project’s journey. Which types of partnerships have UAT already attained and what are the plans on this front moving forward?

Han: Great point. As we all know we already have a strategic partnership with BitMax, plus a few trading teams who will launch their first products on UAT in tomorrow’s release. Keeping us connected in the industry will definitely remain a top priority in the business plan of UAT, and we already have a few other products on the roadmap. Details will be revealed as soon as they are finalized.

Q: UltrAlpha was founded and developed by a team of experienced financial and asset managers. Is this an advantage for UltrAlpha?

Christina: Our biggest advantages are 1) Asset security. Security is always our priority, funds are not allowed to be transferred in any way. We safeguard client’s asset security by taking ownership of all the accounts, trading teams do not have the ownership so they cannot withdraw funds in any form 2) Level of expertise. As I mentioned our core teams of trading, technology, and operations are from Wall Street traditional finance with a solid experience in quant trading, highly efficient operations, and digital asset investment. 3) Our unique advantage with client acquisition. To start with, we have a large user base leveraging our strategic partnership with Bitmax.iowhich leads a large demand of UAT tokens. 4) We have Innovative token economics. Our investors can utilize UAT token to pay for all the inquiry, transfer, redemption, purchase, and other admin operational services on the platform.

Q: Why does the Investor pay for services on UltrAlpha with UAT token? Will this token be permanently locked? How this use for? To become an UltrAlpha loyal customer, what do users need to meet? And what benefits will users receive from UltrAlpha?


consumed UAT tokens will be permanently locked up. This is part of the economic model that promotes deflation of the circulation. The goal is to have the market maintain and appreciate the token price naturally as the platform grows. Last thing we want to see is a continuous downward pattern of token prices with more token releases, as that is not good to our token investors. 4. Users will need to pass KYC and not in a restricted country list. Details will be shown on the website during the login process. 5. Selection of investment products, plus UAT token mining rewards.

Q: Ultralpha builds a multi-service platform, what services does it include?

Han: To investors, services include selection of investment products, investment management, Profit-n-Loss auditing, etc. To trading teams, services include attracting investment capital, risk metrics calculation, Profit-n-loss auditing, etc.

Q: How UAT is ready to tackle unexpected events?

Christina: For unexpected sudden events, we should always focus on turning a negative into a positive. Ask for the team’s input on how this vacancy provides an opportunity to do things better. The successful entrepreneur quickly moves on from the negative emotion of the moment and sees the challenge as an opportunity.

Q: How optimistic are you of the future use-case of the UAT compared to when you started it?

Han: Next steps include continuing to cooperate with more quality fund managers to list more quality products on the platform and continuing to build awareness among potential investors. Our advantages definitely in the expertise and professionalism of out team in both traditional finance and crypto industry, and our resources via the team’s connections.

Q: Can we mine UAT?

Christina: Purchase investment products on UltrAlpha can get some number of UAT as rewards. This is how mining works. We are about to launch three products tomorrow. Welcome to select your investment products on UltrAlpha. Please check out the website

Q: What shall lead to the adoption for UAT? Any specific plans from your side for this issue specially for those who look for it as a long-term prospect than a quick flip?

Christina: We are confident by providing quality investment products on our service platform and demonstrate ourselves as a professional player we can attract organic awareness and adoption from both the investors and the asset managers. We ensure the quality of our investment product selections by conducting comprehensive Due Diligence on asset management products and we will also be as transparent as possible to our investors in this manner as well.

Q: How do you plan to run the arbitrage fund if you don’t have understanding from various exchanges or you are planning to use api to do it?

Han: First of all, fund managers don’t own user’s assets. UAT own and provides the accounts to trading teams, who will only have trading access enabled. Users’s assets will be stored in a top-tier proven custody for security.

Q: What problems did you face to when trying to implement your product in working businesses? Is it hard to explain to usual non-crypto people what is UAT and what are the advantages of using it?

Han: It is a challenge, and that’s one of the reasons why the team has been doing a lot of AMAs to build awareness. We believe that the financial property in crypto will become ever stronger, so the trend of an increasing asset management demand will continue. It might be a long path, but we are confident in our direction.

Q: Tell us more about the benefits of holding and Using UAT token and can you tell us more about the use cases that your token will have?

Han: From a functionality perspective, UAT will be consumed performing many operations on the platform going forward, such as redemption, transfer, complex queries and such. More details will come to life in subsequence releases. From a valuation perspective, UAT’s token model incorporates a strong deflation model aiming to have the token price grow accordance with the growth of the platform. So we hope to be able to award token holds with token appreciate as UAT continues to grow.

Q: How about security of your system? How can you take care about security?

Christina: Security is always our priority; funds are not allowed to be transferred in any way. UAT platform will rely on top-tier 3rd party custody to safeguard client’s asset. The assert managers/trading teams are essentially strategy providers. And to ensure security, trading teams won’t have full ownership of the accounts or the investor’s money so that funds wouldn’t be transferred in any way. We, as the service platform, do not provide any investment advice for the investors, but have ownership over the accounts. Details will be fully disclosed on our website, to provide full transparency.

Q: Where did the team get the idea to build UltrAlpha? What does the project name UltrAlpha mean?

Han: Comparing with my past life in traditional finance, we observe lack of mature and reliable asset management service platform in crypto, and like mentioned earlier we believe the demand will inadvertently increase. So after several long discussions, we decided to build UAT. Let us not share the story behind the project naming as yet: )

Q: As i heard that in September, there will be some news, can your team disclose that?

Han: Major website launch in 12 hours. We will list a new product that has not been previously disclosed.

Q: Why should we invest in UltrAlpha and what will drive the token value up?

Christina: There are a few ways UAT tokens can appreciate in value. 1.) Balancing deflation and inflation in token circulation. UAT’s economic model creates several scenarios where tokens will be removed from circulation via permanent lock up, such as BitMax trading commission lock-up, UAT token consumptions on the platform, as well as setting aside 10% profit for every fund on the platform for buying UAT in secondary market, which will be permanently locked-up 2.) With the growth of the platform. With more user activities, more UAT tokens will be consumed and demands for tokens will increase. Plus, I believe a successful platform will naturally build faith in investors which will be reflected on the token price.

Han: We hope that the performance and success of the platform will be main driver of the UAT token values, and we built this idea around our economic model which combine inflation with deflation mechanics. We definitely don’t want to be one of those projects that focus on short term token values, but rather focus on delivering and have the token price come as a side effect.

Q: How does your deflation mechanism work and what advantages does it provide?

Christina: Total supply now is 350M UAT (as we already permanently locked 150 M UAT). 320 M UAT is unreleased. Only being listed on top-tier exchanges and investing UAT products can get UAT tokens released. Transaction fee of UAT/USDT and UAT/BTC will be paid in UAT and be subject to permanently lock-up. Also, there are many other ways to consume UAT and all consumption will be permanently lock-up as well. The advantages it provides is encouraging token value appreciation.

Q: Do you think UltrAlpha’s investment management is better than traditional investment? What benefits will users get if investing through UltrAlpha instead of conventional investment?

Han: 1. Definitely can’t say that. Like I said, we set traditional asset management firms as our model for standards. Those have been built and tested for many years — a luxury none of the crypto industry startup has yet to experience, but we do hope to build UAT into one. 2. We offer crypto asset management services, not traditional asset management. 3. Lots of criteria, team background, strategy validity, track records, funding targets, investment horizon, token selection, even moral compass towards investors.

Q: There is a widely held belief that most projects will not survive in the long term. That’s probably true. What lessons have you taken from your experience or watching other projects in this space?

Han: 1. I wouldn’t call it a belief, but statistics. Success rate of starts up being low is a fact, which is why it is more important for us to stand out among competitions given our competitive advantages both in team background, expertise and our resources. 2. Constant self-criticism, staying on top of market knowledge, and adapt fast.

Q: How do you ensure safe utilization of funds to gain investor trust?

Han: First of all, fund managers don’t own user’s assets. UAT own and provides the accounts to trading teams, who will only have trading access enabled. Users’ assets will be stored in a top-tier proven custody for security.

Han: Thanks sovmany question guys! We have to wrap up here. Wish we could stay longer but we have to jump on another call. We have a major release coming tomorrow so lots of work are being done as we speak.

Christina: Thank you for the warm host! Last but not the least, please don’t forget to connect with us and stay tuned for more updates!

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UltrAlpha Official

A professional digital asset management platform with the mission to provide investors with broad selection of quality digital asset investment products.