Hong Kong Petrified in Protest

The centre of Hong Kong has been overrun by citizens angry like shaken wasps.

Air News
Air News


They chant.

Their lungs are on fire from the constant curdling and they chant “THEY CAN’T KILL US ALL.” “THEY CAN’T KILL US ALL.” “THEY CAN’T KILL US ALL.” “THEY CAN’T KILL US ALL.”

Over and over, over and over again. Schools and banks have vacated entirely, where once good men and women worked steady jobs people must debate whether their own home is worth the dangerous, hot box subway ride continually and completely taken over.

The centre population defies constant tear gas and baton charges. But still, they camp overnight.

Courtesy of the NYTIMES

By rush hour, 8-lane highways were deserts and shopping malls emptied up. “This is a sad day,” said Hong Kong’s former Second-in-Command Anson Chan. “Pictures of our police force firing pepper spray and tear gas into the faces of unarmed protesters will shame our government in front of the whole world.”

All the while, China’s President Xi Jinping has forbidden the news to reach the mainland for fear of worse retaliation. Is this a new era in the government’s history?

And why are they protesting? Because China has turned it’s back on the coming promise of next-term’s Free Election. And after seeing the continued wave of fixed government controlling their personal futures, the population jumped into unrest and frenzy.

For the success of democracy everywhere, let’s hope they succeed.


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