A 30-Day Writing Challenge — Day 11

What if…

Sok Lay
A 30-Day Writing Challenge
2 min readAug 19, 2017


Photo Credit — Pexels

I fell pregnant straight after getting married, so my early days being a newlywed was spent being bogged down with morning sickness.

After I gave birth, things are not as expected. Things were much more challenging than I thought it would be. It was incredibly tiring. It doesn’t help that I’m extremely sleep deprived.

No wonder they say, having kids is not easy!

My husband and I sometimes joked about what our life would be like if we didn’t have our baby early? We could:

  • go out and catch up with friends until late,
  • stay up late to watch a marathon of drama
  • travel as far as we want without a baby would cry or worse, in need of a nappy change
  • hug each other to sleep
  • sleep without interruption

My mind can wander further, but I wonder if my heart will beat fast like now? Will my life be as meaningful being simply a married woman? I doubt so.

Although my body is aching for rest, I don’t think I can stay away from my baby for too long. My mind, body and spirit belong with my baby.

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Sok Lay
A 30-Day Writing Challenge

A recovering perfectionist with an overly curious mind. A mother-in-training as well as a wife who doesn’t know how to cook! http://thelaland.com/about/