A 30-Day Writing Challenge — Day 12

12 blessings…

Sok Lay
A 30-Day Writing Challenge
3 min readAug 20, 2017


‘Could we say a little prayer before we start eating?’ My boss requested earnestly at our staff function. His eyes shine with seriousness as he let the words of his prayers out from his mouth.

Although I am not a Christian, my mind was captivated by that powerful moment because the energy spoke louder than words.

Today’s challenge reminds me of how incredible gratitude is.

Here are my 12 things that I am grateful:

  1. I am grateful for the support from my family. I am so lucky to have a mother ho never fails to help me in every possible way. It may be annoying to have someone bugged me about stuff, but it is a blessing to me for having someone who actually cares.
  2. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a mother. Even though my baby still needs me to hold her to sleep, I am glad that I have the chance to hold her little body in my arms.
  3. I am pleased that my partner-in-crime (a.k.a. husband) is a total opposite to me. Sometimes, I feel like struggle him but most of the time, I am delighted that I found him. He may be messy, forgetful and clumsy but he lightens up my life with jokes and crazy ideas.
  4. I am grateful that I have a healthy body. I will try my best to look after you beautiful thing.
  5. I am delighted to have freedom. I can voice my opinions without fearing the repercussions.
  6. I am grateful for the friendships that motherhood brought me. I never thought I could have friends while mothering my child.
  7. I am grateful for being part of a powerful mastermind group. Thank you for reading all the crabs I wrote and give me your claps.
  8. I am grateful for my writing critique partner who never fails to give me points of improvement. Thank you for your honest words.
  9. I am grateful for my workplace to be accommodating and understanding. It is such an honour to be part of a team who cares.
  10. I am grateful for my old friends who happily listen to me when I’m angry. I appreciate you giving me your precious time for me to complain.
  11. I am grateful for my healthy mind. You have been quite a roller coaster rid since I gave birth. I appreciate how resilience you are and for being able to keep me as me during the tough time.
  12. I am grateful for my parent-in-laws who always help me yell at my husband. It is so good to have someone else does the scolding.

I feel an abundance of joy as I was writing my list.

So, go try it now.

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Sok Lay
A 30-Day Writing Challenge

A recovering perfectionist with an overly curious mind. A mother-in-training as well as a wife who doesn’t know how to cook! http://thelaland.com/about/