A 30-Day Writing Challenge — Day 15

Sok Lay
A 30-Day Writing Challenge
4 min readAug 24, 2017

A Day in The Busy Life of a Super Mum…

Photo Credit — Pexels
  • 7.30 am — Wake up. Start my morning routine which includes changing nappy for Lala and feeding her formula. Mum woke up shortly after I finished changing nappy, so I passed Lala to mum to continue my routine.
  • 8.00 am — I brushed my teeth and slipped into the bathroom for a quick shower.
  • 9.00 am — Juggled cooking and cleaning while calling the Medical Center to book an appointment for Lala. She has a severe nappy rash which I am concerned.
  • 9.30 am — Finally, I could eat my breakfast which I could not recall what it was. But I remember what Lala had for her breakfast: the same thing that she had last night.
  • 10.00 am — Changed Lala’s nappy again to help get rid of the rash. I felt blurry in the mind which usually signals that I need to go to sleep with my baby. I happily submit myself to this and fell asleep shortly after Lala fell asleep.
  • 11.30 am — Lala woke up. Quickly, scramble to get some formula for her and feed her as I let her enjoy her toys with great pleasure. She wanted to watch T.V., so I put on Little Baby Bum videos to satisfy her curious mind further.
  • 12.15 pm — I should actually leave 15 minutes ago as the appointment is at 12.30 pm. I tried to ask Husband to help hold Lala so I could change her nappy faster. Husband snarled at me and threw a tantrum like a baby because he wants to play a game on his phone more than changing nappy. Sigh. A baby will always be a baby.
  • 12.25 pm — I was finally on my way to the doctor. I drove out without looking at Husband who was at the gate. Gosh, it felt good to drive away from him. My heart beats fast as I caught myself looking at the clock from the corner of my eyes. ‘Never mind’. I told myself. ‘You always have to wait regardless of whether you are early or late’. I could hear Husband’s voice in my head. Even though he is the biggest baby, he does have a good point sometimes.
  • 12.40 pm — I sprayed towards the receptionist as soon as I reached the clinic. She called out Lala’s full name. Oh dear. Are we notoriously worthy of remembering now that we are always late?
  • 12.45 pm — The receptionist signalled to me that it was my turn. I walked into the cold room with Lala bouncing on me like she is trying to escape. As I predicted, the doctor told the things that I already know.
  • 1.00 pm — I looked at the clock and felt liberating to know it’s only 1.00 pm! I still have like half an hour or so before Lala becomes a troublemaker. My heart lightened as I realised that I could go to the close-by shopping centre and get some lunch. ‘It’s not every day I could do this’, I murmured under my breath.
  • 1.10 pm — I ate a meatball Subway sandwich which balancing Lala on my arms. I couldn’t finish it without making myself look like a total mess, so I gave up eating the last bite of my sandwich.
  • 1.30 pm — Lala finally is seated in her pram but protested. I ran to fetch a spoon from a store in the busy food court, hoping that the seller doesn’t notice me. ‘Here’s a spoon’. Lala’s face lighted up with excitement as I hand over the spoon to her.
  • 2.00 pm — I was on my way back home. I saw how wet Lala’s face is as she keeps telling me how she doesn’t like to sit in her baby seat.
  • 2.15 pm — Husband shadowed me as I was pushing the gate doors to a close. ‘You don’t want to kiss me?’ He acted upset and walked away, so I sprayed to his side to kiss him.
  • 2.30 pm — I took off Lala’s soiled nappy and replaced it with a clean one. Hopefully, all my efforts will be paid off soon.
  • 3.00 pm — I entered into dreamland straight away as my eyelids became heavy.
  • 4.00 pm Oh dear, I slept again. Lala broke into a big shiny smile, and I too couldn’t stand it, so my mouth widened with laughter.
  • 4.30 pm — Mum took Lala to her room, so I was free to do whatever I want. I dragged a handful of clothes and shuffled them into the luggage. Hope, I remember everything.
  • 6.30 pmIt’s late, I should make dinner for Lala. Oh, I haven’t eaten yet!
  • 7.00 pm — Lala finished her last spoon of rice porridge, so I signalled for mum to pick Lala out of her high chair. Her face brightened up as mum reached for her.
  • 8.00 pmFinally, Lala can go to bed. Oh, dear. Husband knows how to pick the right time to come inside the room. Lala is now awake thanks to Daddy’s interruption.
  • 9.00 pm and beyond — dig my head into my blogging work, where I get in touch with myself.



Sok Lay
A 30-Day Writing Challenge

A recovering perfectionist with an overly curious mind. A mother-in-training as well as a wife who doesn’t know how to cook! http://thelaland.com/about/