A 30-Day Writing Challenge — Day 18

Sok Lay
A 30-Day Writing Challenge
2 min readAug 28, 2017

Learning About Self…

Photo Credit — Pexels

I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to talk about myself. I’m not too sure why.

But I recently realised that the reason why I don’t talk about myself is that I don’t know a lot of about myself.

Like Sun Tzu says, ‘know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.’

So today’s challenge I will endeavour to list 30 facts about myself. They are as follow:

  1. I have excellent control of self-discipline
  2. I like to get stuff done.
  3. I excel under pressure.
  4. I like to get to the point.
  5. I love having to-do lists. It made me feel satisfied when I completed my tasks.
  6. I like to learn new things.
  7. I believe in continuously improving myself. If I don’t continue to learn, I feel stale.
  8. I don’t believe in working hard to get what I want. I believe in working smart.
  9. I like to think about stuff in my free time.
  10. I would benefit from learning how to sugar coating my speech.
  11. I would benefit from slowing down my life. My productivity benefits from my task-oriented mind but my relationship may not.
  12. I would benefit from practising loving kindness to myself.
  13. I am a perfectionist. I tend to do all the stuff myself because I expect things to be done to my standard.
  14. I enjoy being at home. I felt my home is my safe heaven. But sometimes, I should get out more often. For example, after giving birth, I should have gone out more often.
  15. I feel uncomfortable being the centre of attention.
  16. I love hearing feedbacks on how I could improve myself. I receive constructive feedbacks with openness and gratitude. I view feedbacks, either sugar coated or not, as gifts.
  17. I love to help people to be a better version of them.
  18. I like to communicate openly but in a respectful way.
  19. I can get heated up quickly with my loved ones. I get angry at myself easily. I realised that this is due to me exerting unrealistic expectations on myself and loved ones.
  20. I find learning languages easy for me.

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Sok Lay
A 30-Day Writing Challenge

A recovering perfectionist with an overly curious mind. A mother-in-training as well as a wife who doesn’t know how to cook! http://thelaland.com/about/