A 30-Day Writing Challenge — Day 20

Sok Lay
A 30-Day Writing Challenge
2 min readAug 30, 2017


Change. Adapt. Thrive.

Photo Credit — Pexels

Let’s face it, no one like change.

Change makes us feel uneasy because we are too obsessed with the status quo. We’ll go to a certain extent to try and keep things as they are. The ugly truth is, we are living our lives largely on autopilot.

It is no wonder, adjusting to parenthood is difficult.

I am no exception. I had my fair share of pain in my transition from womanhood to motherhood.

I can’t imagine myself being a stay-at-home mum. But as soon as I had my baby, I find it hard to contemplate about going back to work (note, I took a 12-month maternity leave). I don’t know whether I could stand not being close to my baby. I enjoy being with her and it makes me feel alive when I am close to her.

Going from a mentally stimulating work to a full-time mother was incredibly challenging (but it was a worthwhile venture). I didn’t expect it to be traumatising because it was a sudden change. At first, I like it, but as time goes by, I begin to feel stagnant.

It’s almost like a person winning a lottery and don’t know how to manage their resources wisely. I felt that I was the same: I wasn’t using my maternity leave well. I spent far too much time resisting the change.

When you welcome a baby to your life, you are simultaneously welcoming a different relationship dynamic, different life, different perspective and most importantly, a different you.

I was far too busy mourning my past. I forgot about the present. You may hear it far too many time about how you should live in the moment. Being present is not the same as self-indulgent though.

Parenthood requires an open mind that embraces change. Change is a part of life. We can only immerse ourselves in change. We cannot resist change.

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Sok Lay
A 30-Day Writing Challenge

A recovering perfectionist with an overly curious mind. A mother-in-training as well as a wife who doesn’t know how to cook! http://thelaland.com/about/