Audrey Chou
A+4 Films
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2023

Introducing Photographer Nikki Mcclarron

I first found out Nikki’s work on instagram, being attracted by her comfortable feed and also the color tone of her photos. She captures emotions with abit of beauty and sadness, but the beauty seems like having the power of healing through her eyes. Everything under her lenses is just feeling natural, and also clean with a hidden narritve from the people, nature, and ancestors.

Blending her work with fashion, documentary, and still life. Nikki’s work tells the story of humanity and the planet.

Born in Devon, England, Nikki was interviewd by serveral publications including Atmos, AlA Champ, It’s Nice That etc. In several interview, she have mentioned about her facination of photography and also being exposed to her mum since young, where she always had The Face, Arena and Vogue lying around the house — darkroom printing.

She also have mentioned about her favorate geers including 6x7 format, Mamiya RZ67, Contax G2 and Nikon F2.

Jil Sander FW21 Nikki McClarron

Nikki’s work has it’s abundance with natural light, and her work is powerful that it speaks itself with the relationship of nature, human, and also fashion and lifestyle.

Nikki’s Website:
Nikki’s selected work

