Humanity Vs. the Second Law of Thermodynamics

How long will we keep fighting the unbeatable foe?

Schalk Cloete
A Balanced Transition


The temporary cheat code in our battle against the Second Law | Pixabay

Do you ever sense the presence of some invisible force quietly controlling every aspect of our lives from behind a shadowy veil? Could it be the world’s billionaires and central bankers? How about all those omnipresent tech companies? Perhaps even the Illuminati or some other mysterious society?

But no, none of these hold a candle to the almighty deity that graces the title of this humble article: the Second Law of thermodynamics.

The Laws of Thermodynamics

You may have heard of the First Law of thermodynamics: Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. Although interesting to contemplate, it’s not all that relevant to our day-to-day lives.

It’s the Second Law, that entropy can never decrease, that controls every aspect of our existence. Thermodynamics is a very deep and complex field, but don’t worry; you don’t need to understand the intricacies of entropy to fully appreciate the influence wielded by the Second Law.

The only thing you need to understand this: The Second Law is the all-powerful (and extremely stingy) guardian of the energy abundance all around us. For hundreds of millions of years, life on Earth has been…



Schalk Cloete
A Balanced Transition

A research scientist studying different pathways for decoupling economic development from environmental destruction.