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Giving up after a bad workout? Try this —

Perryn Andrews
A Bard’s Song


Bad workouts happen. Sometimes you just don’t feel it, and no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to get into a good rhythm. When this happens, it’s important to remember that it’s just one workout, and it doesn’t mean that you’re a bad runner or that you’re regressing. Here are a few tips on how to mentally deal with a bad workout:

  • Accept that it happens. The first step in dealing with a bad workout is to accept that it happens to everyone. Even the best runners in the world have bad days. Once you accept that bad workouts are a normal part of training, you can start to focus on how to deal with them in a positive way.
  • Don’t beat yourself up. It’s easy to get down on yourself after a bad workout, but it’s important to remember that it’s just one workout. Don’t let it ruin your confidence or your motivation. Instead, focus on the positive aspects of your workout, even if it was just that you showed up and gave it your best effort.
  • Focus on the long-term. One bad workout doesn’t mean that you’re not making progress. Remember, it’s all about the long-term. If you stay consistent with your training, you will eventually see results. So don’t get discouraged by one setback.
  • Find a way to enjoy yourself. If you’re not enjoying your workouts, it’s going to be tough to stick with them. So find a way to make running fun for you. Whether it’s listening to music, running with friends, or exploring new trails, find something that makes you look forward to your workouts.
  • Don’t be afraid to take a break. If you’re feeling burnt out, it’s okay to take a break from running. Sometimes a little rest is all you need to come back refreshed and ready to hit the pavement again.

Remember, bad workouts are a normal part of training. Don’t let them get you down. Just accept it, learn from it, and move on.

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