How A Dreamline Fueled A Beard Across America

My First Successful Dreamline

Tyler Goelz
A Beard Across America
3 min readMar 12, 2014


This story is an excerpt from A Beard Across America, read more excerpts here.

Along the way, I heard a few different reactions from “It must be nice to be rich” to “you must have saved up for a long time”, neither of which were true. I’m going to share with you how I was able to travel 4900 miles over a 4 week span and visit 18 cities in 10 different states.

About 8 months before my trip, I read a book called The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris. The book focuses on what Tim calls Lifestyle Design and he shares a formula he uses that is geared towards living the life that you want, instead of the life that is expected of you. He talks about the D.E.A.L. process: Definition, Elimination, Automation and Liberation.

Implementing this process into my life is what helped me to make A Beard Across America a possibility. Here’s how I did it.


Part of defining what you really want in life is to stop letting work define who you are. Think about when someone asks you the question “What you do?” Is your first reaction to respond with what our occupation is.

Your occupation shouldn’t be the first thing that comes to mind when someone asks you “What do you do?”

Unfortunately, this reaction is built into our society as a social norm. When someone is finished with schooling, they get a full time job and that’s “what they do”.

Throw that mindset out the window. It will be one of the most challenging things you will ever do in your life, but trust me, it will be one of the most rewarding things you will ever do.

Now that we’ve gotten past that, it’s time for the fun part. Create a Dreamline. The 4-Hour Work Week (4HWW) suggests creating a six and 12 month Dreamline. I made a six month one. Creating a Dreamline helped me to make my short term dreams come true, because it makes your goals more tangible. Even writing down the most impossible goal might seem silly, but it’s the first step to making it a reality.

Learn more about Dreamlines & download a fully customizable Dreamline

I defined a goal of driving from St. Petersburg, Florida to Tacoma, Washington to visit my brother. But, instead of driving straight there I wanted to make a road trip of it. Some parts on my own and other parts with my girlfriend.

Now that I knew exactly what I wanted to do I could eliminate all the excess and distractions in my professional and personal life to make this dream become reality.

I hope you enjoyed this excerpt from A Beard Across America. To finish this story and more like it, sign up for your FREE copy of A Beard Across America at

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