Pipe smoking was as chilling in the last century in Hungary as today | VINTAGE PHOTOS

Bence Földi
2 min readFeb 20, 2016


20th of February is the International Day of Pipe Smoking since 2008. Pipe smokers everywhere “raise their pipes together to foster friendship, benevolence, and tranquility across all borders,” according to the United Pipe Clubs of America.

“On this day we (…) celebrate the noble art of pipe-smoking and the (…) spirit which pervades the brotherhood and sisterhood of the briar. We (…) put into practice the time-honored and ancestral traditions of raising our pipes in unison to toast each other and share a bowl together.”

So I decided to browse Fortepan.hu which is an open archive of old family photos from Hungary and Hungarian photographers with more than sixty thousand pics. I’ve found almost hundred photos about pipesmokers on Fortepan from 1900 to 1988 so I selected the best 10 pics. Here they are:

1905 | Fortepan / Hajdu András
1905 | Fortepan
1907, a Romanian man in Transylvania | Fortepan / Magyar Földrajzi Múzeum / Erdélyi Mór cége
1908, shepherd in Hortobágy | Fortepan / Magyar Földrajzi Múzeum / Erdélyi Mór cége
1910 | Fortepan / Horváth Lajos
1923 | Fortepan / Veszprém Megyei Levéltár
1925 | Fortepan / Wirthmann Julianna
1935 | Fortepan / Lissák Tivadar
1940 | Fortepan / id. Konok Tamás
1946 | Fortepan / Berkó Pál
1971 | Fortepan / Vörös István

Have a nice International Day of Pope Smoking!

