My new book.

Simon Shears
A Better Fit
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Apr 12, 2022

On everything that picks us up off the sofa.

If you're reading this, then you’ve shown some appreciation for something I’ve written.

And you’re probably into the psychology behind exercise.

It may also mean that, like me, you’re fed up with the overbearing mantra from fitness gurus and gym buffs: that regular exercise takes self-discipline.

But does it?

I’ve spent most of the past seven years exploring that question and putting it in this one book.

It tells the struggles of two brothers and explains their contrasting lifestyle habits with drama and comedy, all the while illuminating the subliminal influences behind regular exercise: from evolutionary psychology to the weird world of the economics of sport and recreation.

I hope you enjoy it and find it useful, and recommend it to a friend who struggles getting up off the sofa.

Thanks, Simon.

Click here to purchase.



Simon Shears
A Better Fit

Author of 'Working [it] Out: what actually makes us exercise?' Looking at fitness through an evolutionary lens.