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A Better Guide to Beijing
A Better Guide to Beijing
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Ancient Pastimes

Background from A Better Guide to Běijīng

In a narrow grey-walled alley typical of Běijīng’s back streets, men are bunched together in tightly compressed groups arched over some invisible central point and wedged into immobility. There’s the same air of excitement…

Altars for all Seasons

Part of A Better Guide to Beijing

The Mongol Yuán dynasty built Běijīng largely according to the layout prescribed in the 2nd century BCE classic Rites of Zhōu, and while the Míng slightly altered the shape and later added the southern Outer City, it followed the…

The Legend of the Fragrant Concubine

Part of A Better Guide to Běijīng

There are several versions of the Xiāng Fēi’s story, but in all of them she is a beloved concubine of the Qiánlóng emperor, a member of the Turki Uighur people. She was named Iparhan in her own language…