Woman in red dress looking to the stars-”A Bit of Madness” by “Arthur G. Hernandez”
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A Bit of Madness

Your Journey Begins Here

Arthur G. Hernandez
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2022


Hello everyone. My name is Arthur G. Hernandez, and I am glad you are taking some time away for yourself to look into getting started as a writer here. You can leave a comment on this article as soon as you wish. Otherwise, read on.

I am looking for writers who have stories to tell — stories of fiction, fantasy, horror, myths, legends, and science fiction. You will be welcome to publish after letting me know you wish to be a writer. I will set that up for you and let you know when we’re ready for you to submit your stories.

I will do some light editing for clarity if needed, but do your best to submit your stories edit-free, and make sure you create your stories with copyright-free images. We are still subject to the rules of our platform, so I will do my best to work with you if we encounter any snags with your submissions. The more legwork you do up front with your stories, the faster we can publish them.

The bigger the group of writers we have the better. The idea is to pool our resources and creativity to create a go-to pub for fiction on Medium. We have already made a great start, and we are looking to keep it going. Thank you in advance for your interest and support. I can’t wait to hear from you.



Arthur G. Hernandez
A Bit of Madness

Once and future merchant, leadership enthusiast, philosopher, writer, and poet.