Ankit and the Uncle of Refuge

G. G. Bailey
A Bit of Madness
Published in
21 min readJan 23, 2023


Part 1: A family

Underhalls Mainway & Markets

Ankit dodged out of the path of a scruffy-looking girl, nearly bumping into a fruit stall in the process. She sprinted by in desperation, looking over her shoulder and oblivious to all but her pursuer.

A sweaty, oafish drunk stumbled after her, slurring, “Stop her, she’s taken… she’s taken my…” He stumbled to a stop, scratched his head, then turned around and wobbled back the way he’d come.

“Six ‘n half a bunch, going now, going fast. Six ‘n half. What about a pair for the well-endowed lady?” ignoring the near-miss, the fruit merchant called loudly to a hooded, well-dressed couple as they approached his neighbour, a Phungz dealer.

“Serso you fuck. Hold your tongue, or I’ll have it,” spat the dealer.

The couple veered off and sped away. The fruit seller sneered, then laughed loudly, “not very committed were they, these modern addicts, whatever will you do?”

A faint grin formed on Ankit’s face as he and Kirto moved past the bickering traders. She had a spring in her step, “you haven’t spent much time down here, have you?” she asked with a smile.



G. G. Bailey
A Bit of Madness

G.G. Bailey is the Curator of the Unarkida (4/665 – Present), the eternal archive of our world, Unara (an aspiring author of Fantasy/Sci-Fi Fiction). .