Quantum Computing: Bell State and Entanglement with Qiskit

Entangled Qubits with Hadamard Gate and CNOT Gate

Saptashwa Bhattacharyya
A Bit of Qubit


Tranquil! (Source: Author)

Today we will peek into one of the most important and fascinating topics of Quantum Mechanics — Entanglement! In this post you can expect to learn

  1. What are Bell States?
  2. How to simply identify entangled states ?
  3. What is “Spooky Action at a Distance”?
  4. Creating superposition of qubits using Hadamard Gate.
  5. How to logically think and design entangled state using Quantum Gates?

Even though it is written as generally as possible, still anyone having understanding of bachelor level quantum mechanics will find it more intuitive. I have used IBM Quantum Experience which provides (for free) cloud based software to use their quantum computers anytime and, Qiskit which helps us in working with the quantum computers at the level of circuits, pulses, and algorithms. Some ofthe concepts that are used here, were already discussed in previous chapter. So please check it. Without any delay let’s begin !!

Bell State(s):

Two quantum systems are said to be entangled when the values of certain properties of one system are non-classically correlated with the values the same…

