<A Book I Want to Read > Chapter 5 — Roles.

A Book I Want To Read
2 min readJul 1, 2020

Which one is yours?

What role are you playing?

Is it in a play?

Is it in the real world?

How do you chose a role?

What role suits you?

What role can make you happy?

What role can drive you crazy?

How good is your performance?

How do you play a role well?

What does this role requires?

Let me tell you my role…

I play a father,

I play a son.

I play a husband,

I play a boyfriend.

I play an employee,

I play an employer.

I play an investor,

I play an entrepreneur.

I play Zero,

I play One.

This is my play,

<Zero & Ones>

Here’s the playbook:

Here is the lead actor:

Are you interested?

Do you want to play?

Chose a role?

Or stay in the audience?

I give 5%,

To players,

1.25% each year,

0.3125% each quarter.

0.078125% each week.

Let’s play for a week,

And make 10% growth.

30M times 110%,

Become 33,

Become 36.3,

Become 39.93,

Become 43.923,

Become 48.3153,

Become 53.14683.

We are passing 50M,

In 6 weeks.

After 15th August,

Raising another round,

At 50M valuation.

1M RMB / $141,300,

For 2% of Zero & Ones,

With 2% of STOT.io,

Launching Q4 2020.



A Book I Want To Read

AI worshipper, Robot lover, Bitcoin holder. Founder of http://LedgerZ.Capital 览众资本 创始人, http://ValueNet.Capital, Zeros & Ones 零和一 创始人 http://t.me/ZeroAndOnes