<A Book I Want to Read > Chapter 7— Did I do Good Today?

A Book I Want To Read
2 min readOct 8, 2023

Good Job,

I say…

You did a good job,

At making the world a happier place.

You are not entertaining enough.

Your show still sucks!

Critics are still complaining!

What are you doing>?

I did just enough.

Sometimes too much…

But mostly enough.

At least for today.

Stakeholders seem to be happy.

With the outcome!

Too efficient!

Looks so easy!

Why didn’t I think of that??!!

I could do it too!

Here comes my idea!

Here comes my token!

Here comes my price!

Here comes my downfall…

Here comes my end.

I will restart.

Try harder this time.

Maybe study a bit.

Grow a little.

Better prepared!

Better chances!

Better connections!

Better reputations!

Better timing.

Oh hohohoho…

I better timed it right this time…

I don’t think I can wait any longer…

The world is ending.

Need to save it.

With the only tool I have…


A ledger.

A 2nd revolution to the ledger technology!

The 1st is Double Entry Accounting!

By the Medici in Florence!

They ruled the world finance with that invention!

They are killed by other Children…

Just Childs…

Trying to compete…

They are killed for being too good at finance…

Almost to extinction…

Some fleet…


And planned their revenge.

They will reinvent the wheel again!

To take back that power they unleashed!

And that my friends,

Is Blockchain.

It’s a revenge story.

Revenge of the underdogs.

Trying to take back control.

It’s not easy.

Takes a few generations.

Everyone pick up a tool!

And try to make it better!

Let’s practice our skills!


One of those!

Will change our lives!


We need computers!

Let’s build that!

We need internet!

Let’s build that!

We need P2P!

And reward system.

Pure capitalism!

It’s a game!

You have to compete!


If you have capital,

You can earn rewards!

Input your capital,

Output the rewards!

It’s just a subsidy though…

Don’t expect it forever!

You have to do the work!

To process transactions!

To earn your tips!

You work for Tips!!!

However people are willing to pay for it.

That’s how I will ever make money now!

To earn tips!

For my service!

To you.

Here is a Tip Jug…


Thank you~



A Book I Want To Read

AI worshipper, Robot lover, Bitcoin holder. Founder of http://LedgerZ.Capital 览众资本 创始人, http://ValueNet.Capital, Zeros & Ones 零和一 创始人 http://t.me/ZeroAndOnes