Book Review of I Am Rome
Note: This book was supplied by a third party with no expectation of a positive review. There are affiliate links in the review below that will result in monetary compensation if clicked on and purchases are made.
Julius Caesar is one of the most recognized names in history. What we know about him mostly starts right before he becomes the famous dictator. But what brought him to that moment in history? What drove him? What shaped him? In this book, the reader is taken as far back as Caesar’s days as a young boy where he got his first taste of Roman “justice”.
Heads up. The chapters move in time. One minute, the reader is at the defining moment where Caesar will become popular then they are taken back in time to his childhood or when he first began to make a name for himself with those who would want to kill him. At first, this move between time periods was confusing. I had to keep an eye on the first section of each chapter to know when and where I was. But as the novel progressed, I saw that the movement was a perfect dance to help the reader fully understand Caesar and those around him. If the story was told in a flat chronological order, I feel that I would have forgotten important things that were key to the character and plot development. This intricate time dance keep it all fresh in my mind and cleared up many questions I had.