Book Review of The Paris Assignment

Rebecca Graf
A Book Lover’s Library
2 min readNov 16, 2023


Note: This book was received through a third party with no expectation of a positive review. The review has affiliate links that will result in monetary compensation if clicked on and purchases are made.

Many people risked their lives to help bring the Nazis down. It wasn’t just the native people whose land they inhabited. A large number from unoccupied countries went in as spies to help the resistance and the Allied forces. This is the story of a British woman with French blood who returns to the country to fight those who took her loved ones from her.

The novel starts with Madeline attending school in France and meeting the young man who steals her heart. As we learn of her attachment to France and her family dynamics, we are eventually taken to a Europe that feels the threat of Hitler. When life hits her with extreme blows, she decides to do her part in brining down Hitler and kick him out of France. She becomes a spy and walks into the lion’s den to face the enemy that is everywhere.

I found the story to be a little slow at first, but as I continued reading, it became apparent that it would be important later as we watch Madeline venture into the war zone. The pace of the story picks up as she is trained as a spy and then sneaks into the country. The dangers she face is not glossed-over. We see her as she faces her fears and…



Rebecca Graf
A Book Lover’s Library

Writer for ten years, lover of education, and degrees in business, history, and English. Striving to become a Renassiance woman.