Go to A Breath of Fresh Air
A Breath of Fresh Air
A place to share knowledge and ideas to forge a better world for our kids and others by fighting for public education and healthcare, clean air everywhere, and labour rights so we can all work, live, and learn with dignity. Follow ABOFA: hover over it at the top of any article.
Note from the editor

A place to share knowledge and ideas to forge a better world for our kids and others by fighting for public education and healthcare, clean air everywhere, and labour rights so we can all work, live, and learn with dignity. Follow ABOFA: hover over it at the top of any article.

Go to the profile of Moe Franks
Go to the profile of Allene S
Allene S
Avid reader and writer. Passionate about education, health, social justice and environmental issues. Science. Evidence. Caring human being.
Go to the profile of Marie Snyder
Marie Snyder
Like book summaries? Follow Thrice Removed. Covid and climate your thing? Follow Through the Fog. It's all mixed together at apuffofabsurdity.blogspot.ca.
Go to the profile of Allene S
Allene S
Avid reader and writer. Passionate about education, health, social justice and environmental issues. Science. Evidence. Caring human being.
Go to the profile of Karyn Hegarty