Growing with Twitter — Life Lessons Learnt on Social Media, during the last year.

Self-Culture in a Multicultural World.

Fakeer Ishavardas
3 min readDec 31, 2013

This year, I re-learned that life is a lesson in learning.

That no matter how high you are on the food chain, there’s perhaps one below, maybe another above you. In simple terms, there’s always room for self-improvement — that everybody can teach you something, if you are humble enough, hungry enough.

That when walls are closing upon you, the skies stay open. A single tweet on Twitter by somebody you do not even know well, can lift up your spirits at an unexpected dark hour — if only by reaffirming what you already know deep inside.

That friends leave. Don’t despair. There’s perhaps one somewhere. maybe unknown, probably willing to shake hands with you — twits ‘un-following’ you sans wit or reason, is okay. Other friends await, not far away, in the horizon.

That without a multicultural approach to this present day modern world, you cannot progress positively in life — at least not in making a meaningful human connection. You need to accept another person’s history and culture as is. This must be done to comprehend whereof he or she comes from: to sustain relationships with people from lands far away from yours, are far different from you.

That you do not have to necessarily accept or endorse another’s point of view to appreciate him or her — for each is unique, as are you.

That your voice counts. For, somebody or the other is listening to you, unknown to you — you are not all alone. This you get to see when somebody out there, as if from nowhere, re-tweets or ‘favorites’ that thought of yours which you did not think anybody in this whole wide world would be wired or weird enough to understand.

That people are funny in their own way, maybe not exactly in your way. And your sense of humor, if you have one, would see you through many an unfunny situation in life. It could just be as little as a nasty barb or as much as a belittling insult, thrown at you — were you to smile crookedly.

That you are not the center of the universe. For, there are worlds besides your own. Hence, you need let go your megalomaniac ego — thus only can you appreciate others’ cultures, concerns and conceptions.

That you are you, as “they” them. Yet, the twain can meet — if you have faith enough in yourself and human beings: to let them in your timeline. In other words, you got to give some to get some. It’s a give and take world. Of reciprocation, of gratitude. Accept others as they are, in order for them to respect your “I-am-this-that-ness”.

That, lastly, life goes on — with or without you.

And that your getting all hoity-toity, and huffily getting off twits or Twitter, does not matter. But getting on, does.

So, stay connected — you’re not little, but a cosmic something.



Fakeer Ishavardas

Metaphysical Poet ♨ FREE MYSTIC ♨ ☝ Th.D, (Theology and Divinity, U.S.A.), Sahaj Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, PhD (Religious Studies and Metaphysics, U.S.A.) ☝