Dung Tran
A Buddhists
Published in
9 min readSep 25, 2018


The method for deleting the bad mood in Buddhism is the meaningful lesson from Sariputra. He was considered as the most intelligent practitioners of Lord Buddha. Today, A Buddhists tell you the story of Sariputra’s talk to other Bhikshus about five methods for deleting the bad mood.

In the Buddhism perspectives, the bad mood includes being angry, resentful because of others’ behaviors, speeches, or mind. In fact, as a human, we are usually being affected by negative influences outside. Maybe, the root of bad mood can come from the crude words which make us uncomfortable. Or, the unkind behaviors of someone else result in pain for us. Additionally, if we discovered the bad intention of someone whom we absolutely believe in, we will be very disappointed. Sometimes, life hits you hard. As a result, you get hurt. However, it just accounts for one-tenth of the bad mood. You must be the one who is in the duty of the remaining nine-tenths of your negative feeling. Therefore, it is vital for us to learn how to control and delete the bad mood so as to live happily.

Basically, the following five methods taught by Lord Buddha can do us a favor in getting escape from negative feelings. Let us discover the meaningful lesson from the World-honored One through this story.

5 Methods for Deleting The Bad Mood in Buddhism

Once upon the time, Lord Buddha had stayed at the Anathapindika’s monastery, in the Jetavana forest, Sravasti. Anathapindika was considered as the most generous practitioners of Lord Buddha. He had devoted a large garden which was bought from Prince Jeta for Buddha’s Sangha.

Once a day, Sariputra had talked to other Bhikshus in the Anathapindika’s monastery.

“Dear fellow practitioners,

Today, I would like to share the lesson about the method for deleting the bad mood for the Buddhism cultivators. Please listen to me and contemplate carefully.”

Buddha contemplation, contemplating carefully
The careful contemplation is useful for all Buddhism cultivators.
  • Hereby the first method for deleting the bad mood in Buddhism.

“If someone had bad behaviors, but spoke nice words to you, as the intellectuals, we should not be unhappy or angry. We should learn to contemplate carefully so as to delete negative feelings.

Dear fellow practitioners,

There is a Bhikshu who practices Arana pathway. This Bhikshu always wears cast-off clothes. Once a day, he goes by a landfill site. He sees one garment in the garbage dump where is full of bad smell trash. Later, he picks up this garment by his left hand, stretches it out by his right hand. After that, he realizes that this garment is still in good condition. It does not stain with feces, urine, blood, or pus. Therefore, the Bhikshu brings the garment back home and sews it with other garments in order to make a cast-off rag.

Likewise, if we meet someone with bad actions but nice speeches, we should not care for his actions. Let us think about his polite words, then we can delete our uncomfortable state. As the intellectuals, we should practice this mindset.”

Tip: Listen to Buddhism mantra — the powerful mantra “OM” to remove all negative influences.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sYK7lm3UKg[/embedyt]

  • Next, the second method for deleting the bad mood.

“If someone did not tell nice words, but had good behaviors to you, as the intellectuals, we should not be unhappy or angry. We should learn to contemplate carefully so as to delete negative feelings.

Dear fellow practitioners,

There is a deep lake in the nearby village. However, this lake is covered with a lot of moss. At this time, a man who is very hungry and thirsty goes to the lake. He is also very tired because of the hot weather. Then, he takes off his shirt and jumps down into the lake. While soaking his body in the lake, he pushes the moss to other places in the lake by his hand. By this way, he can enjoy the cool water in the lake comfortably.

Likewise, we should pay attention to positive behaviors, instead of negative speech of others. If we can do this, we will be able to delete our bad impression about this one, and no longer be in bad mood. As the intellectuals, we should practice this mindset.”

Looking at the positive things.
Because nothing’s perfect, we should try to look at the positive side.
  • Then, the third method for deleting the bad mood.

If someone had neither good speeches nor kind actions, but his mind still covered a small seed of positive thing to you, as the intellectuals, we should not be unhappy or angry. We should learn to contemplate carefully so as to delete negative feelings.

Dear fellow practitioners,

There is a man going to a crossroad. He is in bad condition: being thirsty, exhausted, and unhappy. At this crossroad is there a buffalo footprint. And there is a little rainwater left in the footprint. He thinks: “If I use my hand or a leaf to take the water from this hole, the water will be dirty and I will be thirstier. Hence, I won’t be able to delete my thirst and sorrow. Instead, let knee down, put both my head and knee on the ground. Then, I can drink water directly from this buffalo footprint.”

Likewise, either bad words or bad behaviors, we should not care for. In contrast, let us focus on the positive seed in someone’s mind. With this intention, we can delete our bad mood. As the intellectuals, we should practice this mindset.”

deleting the bad mood in Buddhism, Buddha-nature
Let us look at the Buddha-nature within others’ soul. It looks like the lotus arising from the lotus marsh.
  • After that, the fourth method for deleting the bad mood.

“If someone had no good seeds at all, as the intellectuals, we should not be unhappy or angry. We should learn to contemplate carefully so as to delete negative feelings.

Dear fellow practitioners,

There is a man going on a long pathway. In his journey, he gets sickness suddenly. He is totally in very bad conditions: the destination is still far away from him. And he has nothing at all: no teammate, no healthy, and no hope. He knows for sure that he will die on the way. Fortunately, another man appears by chance. This stranger helps him to arrive at the nearest village. Moreover, he is taken care of well so that he can get to escape from dangerous condition. It can be said that the stranger has saved this man’s life. And the poor man is saved thanks for the kindness and compassion of the stranger on the way.

Likewise, we should learn about the stranger’s attitude. If you meet someone who has no good seeds at all, we should contemplate like this: “The one who has no good words, no good actions, and no good seeds in mind, must have been very poor. This one will definitely go on the dangerous way. If this one does not have opportunities to meet good ones, he won’t ever be able to go on the Dharma pathway.” By this mindset, we can awake our loving-compassion for this one. Finally, we can delete our bad mood caused by them. As the intellectuals, we should practice this mindset.”

loving-compassion, method for deleting the bad mood in buddhism
Loving-compassion likes the flower in the droughty land. It brings hope for those looking for rain. Likewise, loving-compassion saves the sinners from the harsh way.
  • Finally, the fifth method for deleting the bad mood.

“If you met a totally nice one who had good words, good behaviors, and good intention to you, but you were jealous, then you should learn to contemplate to delete this bad mood.

Dear fellow practitioners,

There is a nearby village which has a beautiful deep lake.

The water in the lake is very fresh and sweet.

The bottom of the lake is also flat.

And the lakeside is full of new grass. Besides that, there is a lot of umbrage around the lake.

There is a man going to the lake. He is so thirsty and unhappy that he jumps down to the lake and enjoys all of the wonderful things belonged to the lake. As a result, he is no longer thirsty and feels rejuvenated.

Likewise, we should learn to realize the positive seeds of others, from speech- behavior, and mind. Hence, we will be no more jealous or unhappy. If we could not be happy while interacting with such a nice person like that, we must not have been the intellectuals.

Dear fellow practitioners,

I have already talked about the five methods for deleting bad mood.

After listening to Sariputra’s talks, all Bhikshus were joyful and practiced the lesson.”

the wonderful lake, meeting the better ones is a great thing.
It is such a good fortune that we have the opportunities to meet the better ones than us. This great chance looks like arriving at the wonderful lake while being in the middle of the journey.

What have I learned from the method for deleting the bad mood in Buddhism?

This is my contemplation to get escape from negative feelings while interacting with others.

First of all, courtesy cost nothing.

If we can’t speak nice words making others joyful, let’s keep silent. Sometimes, silence is golden. Then, if I have to talk, I promise I will tell positive things which can bring pleasure for others. Instead, I won’t ever say harsh words that make people hurt. Moreover, if someone behaved badly to me, but apologized to me later, I would forgive them all.

Second, I am going to behave well with others.

I strongly believe that nice behaviors will make a better relationship between the individuals. Additionally, if someone tells me clumsy words, but treats me kindly, I will appreciate his nice actions.

Third, if someone neither has good speeches nor behaves politely to me, however, I realize that he has good intention to me, I won’t be unhappy because of his words or actions. In contrast, I am thankful for the good seeds in his mind. In fact, no one is perfect. Therefore, I will only think about the positive characteristic of others.

Fourth, the great-loving compassion is the most valueless gift.

In our life, many people are falling into the bad ways. They are themselves the slaves of Three Poison which destroy their good seeds in Body, Speech, and Mind. If I meet someone like this, I will do him a favor by waking the good seeds inside himself.

Finally, it is the hardest lesson. I promise to show respect and admiration for those who are better than me.

The reason is we tend to sympathize with people lacking fortune than us. On the other hand, we are usually jealous of the better ones. Instead, I am going to share happy moments beside the great ones.

share happy moments with the better ones
Sometimes, it is good to show sympathy and empathy for others who are lack of fortune than us. Sometimes, it is better to respect and be happy with the better ones. It is all about the greatness.

The Best Method To Be No Longer In Bad Mood Permanently

Clearly, first of all, our emotions are affected by the external elements. They are both the bad and good characteristics of the ones we interact with. However, we are definitely responsible for our attitude. For all of the situations that we have to face. Something happens for three seconds, three minutes, and we must decide whether the bad mood will exist or not. And how long the bad mood will last in our mind.

The answer is in our greatness.

deleting the bad mood in Buddhism by the greatness
The greatness makes humans more peaceful and joyful. They will be no longer in any bad mood.

We can get angry or unhappy easily. Likewise, absolutely, we can control our attitude for all things happening in our lifetime. By the greatness, we realize that everyone covers Buddha-nature inside themselves. And no one is totally perfect. Thus, we can forgive, love, and learn from each other. We are the owner of our mind. And by the good seeds of the greatness, we are really the intellectuals.

After all, by this noble perception, “deleting the bad mood” is no longer a problem. As while we are living with loving-compassion and greatness, no bad mood can even appear in our mind. At the beginnings, we can practice contemplating like the above paragraph. As a result, we will be no longer affected by any external negative elements. No more bad mood because we are definitely the owner of our mind.

