Product Design: Designing Alexa for Education

Soumya Gupta
A case for humanity
4 min readJan 13, 2021

Designing the Alexa offering to aid education using the CIRCLES framework

Comprehend the situation

  • What do we mean by education? K-6 education, in homes with parents
  • Are we looking at mainstream school subjects or supplementary subjects? Supplementary, an additional learning tool for school subjects
  • Which location is it for? India
  • Why do they need it? A mechanism for quick concept strengthening, and a smarter system to solve problems before adult/parental intervention

Identify the personas

Case 1: Students

Demographics: Tier 1&2 cities, tech-savvy households, upper middle income


  • Curious about some subjects, wants to learn
  • Despondent, doesn’t like going to school
  • Restless, easily bored
  • Kinesthetic approach — learns by doing

Needs and goals:

  • 1-on-1 Engagement, attention while learning
  • Want to know the impact / real world examples of what they learn in school
  • Need a way to self-study to improve marks without getting bored

Case 2: Parents

Demographics: Tier 1&2 cities, tech-savvy households, upper middle income


  • Understand importance of education, value it highly
  • May not have the time to address child’s doubts
  • Worried about children’s marks, keep a constant tab on their progress
  • May not have the answer to their children’s doubts

Needs and goals:

  • Someone/something to make education more intuitive and interactive
  • Something from which even they can learn
  • Something to track their child’s progress

Case 3: Teachers and Schools

Demographics: Primary school teachers, tech-friendly, Tier 1 and 2 Cities


  • Overburdened with checking of assignments, as well as admin work
  • The admin effort takes away time for organizing and planning each lesson properly
  • Relatability gap between textbook knowledge, teacher’s methods, and reception by children

Needs and goals:

  • Need something to help with improving the classroom experience without increasing their effort
  • Need something to streamline their administrative work and checking of assignments
  • Need something to increase discussion level in class, which may extend outside of classroom

Report the customer’s needs:

As a student, I want quick concept clarity in an interactive manner so that I may understand things before having to approach an adult

As a teacher, I want to tailor the course content to students’ real time learning and reduce my evaluation overhead so that I may improve the in-class experience while also reducing my effort

Cut, Through Prioritization

List Solutions

Educational content

  • Delivery method and lessons customized to class standards, geographies, and individual student’s understanding level. Eg: Puzzles for Math, Rhymes and Pronounciation for English
  • Alexa tailors the content and delivery to the interests she gauges from her interactions

Student evaluation and evaluation material

  • Creating T/F type, Short answer type questions that the student can answer orally, after every lesson plan. Adaptive testing — level of difficulty of questions increases upon consecutive correct answers
  • To give concept feedback on incorrect answers
  • Teachers to receive report of after-class performance and metrics of all students

Doubt Material and Gauging Student understanding

  • Phase 1: Students query Alexa for doubts, in case of non-redressal, students have the option to post doubts to their teacher via a discussion forum
  • Phase 2: Alexa has context of the classes being taught (by listening to the teacher in-class), to enable automatic bucketing of the doubt questions received by the teacher
  • Alexa creates detailed reports to gauge understanding levels and presents recommendations to teachers to present the next day’s lesson. Eg: 60% of class had a similar question on chlorophyll in biology; centers discussion around that in the next class
  • Leads to a creation of informal discussion forum


  • Alexa’s accent should be crystal clear to the students
  • Alexa should be mapped to the school systems, every students’ respective teacher should be mapped on to Alexa for quicker referencing



  • % increase in interaction with Alexa per unit
  • % increase in interaction regarding educational queries
  • Number of devices sold per school; % increase in adoption


  • Month on month increase engagement in educational content
  • Hours of content uploaded
  • % increase in student performance on comprehension and applicability levels, based on evaluation levels
  • % increase in tests created by teachers
  • % increase in evaluation reports created
  • % increase in doubts queried, queued in discussion forums

