Belgians in London!

UK Return Part 5: Old friends, accessibility and spontaneous tears

Annie Windholz
A Cheap Trip
Published in
9 min readNov 20, 2023


We woke up in our youth hostel in Bath, England that morning and had instant coffee in the hostel kitchen. We then navigated the bus route downtown, grabbed a Cafe Nero coffee (paying with spare coins we needed to use up), and then caught the train to London. The train ride was pleasant, and we did some reading along the way. When we got to London, we parted with my parents (they headed to the hotel) and my partner Carp and I took our towering backpacking bags into the packed London subways with no clue how to get where we were going (depending much on luck, wifi, and the kindness of strangers).

Photos by author

A few hours later, and a few failed attempts waiting at incorrect bus stops, we successfully made it to a hotel downtown where my old study abroad friends were staying. They had come to visit us in London from Belgium with their child. Writing about this now makes me emotional, but when I saw them it felt like no time had passed and I was simply…

