Bookshopping in Hay-on-Wye: Photo by author

Sifting through paperbacks in the rain

UK Return Part 3: Hay-on-Wye the “world’s first book town”

Annie Windholz
A Cheap Trip
Published in
7 min readOct 29, 2023


Trust in the process. To better self and learn. Not my business, how long I live, just live.

En transit to Cymru

By the time we were headed to Wales (Cymru in Welsh), I had figured out how to travel abroad again. I had gotten in touch with some long lost feelings, and also remembered what it’s like to be dependent on your own brain to figure out the logistics of public transit in a foreign country. We took a bus, then a train to Manchester, England for a stopover (where Carp said it was “like looking at what America will hopefully look like in 100 years. Old buildings and great public transit and infrastructure”).

Birmingham stopover: Photo by author

After hanging out at at the Manchester train station for a while, we hopped on another train to Hereford, England. This is where we got stuck.

Trafnidiaeth Cymru (Transport for Wales): Photo by author

The train station in Hereford was super tiny with non-existent seating, and when we found out…

