A Different Perspective

How Climate Change is Destroying the World
3 min readMar 10, 2021

This time we’ll be taking a look at another author and how they view the problem of climate change. In this article the author, Remington Breeze takes a look at some facts that might put the issue of climate change into a new light.

One of the largest misconception is that it’s the publics fault and that we are the cause for all the pollution and climate change that’s happening. In the article Breeze states that, “Individual energy consumption was never more than 25% of gross domestic energy consumption, from 1994 to 2009.” That means that among all of the almost 300 million people in the United States they only make up 25% of the energy, so where does the other 75% go? It’s mostly used up by big corporations and industries that operate in the United States. So in reality the biggest issue and obstacle we face on our way to a cleaner climate change free future is large corporations. That’s not to say we shouldn’t all do our part to take strides towards helping our environment. We shouldn’t take away from all of the individual efforts everyone has made over the years for a cleaner environment. It just goes to say that if we want real massive change we should focus on getting large industries to change their practices and to practice more efficient and cleaner production methods in order to reduce pollution and waste. But the problem with this is the lobbies that operate around these corporations. These lobbies are in place to pass legislature and regulations that will allow the company to operate however it likes and with no consequences. We need to change this system and create lobbies against these large corporations so they can change and be held accountable for the damage they’ve done.

Another thing that Breeze discussed in the article is how we can better inform people about the issue and how to educate people the correct way. Breeze mentions that, “guilt and scare tactics will not work, especially when trying to bridge gaps between those who do and don’t understand the facts. Many people who actively deny the changes our Earth is experiencing will inherently be defensive when discussing the issue, and making them feel guilty or afraid will not do anything to ease the situation,” and I agree completely. No one wants to be told they’re in the wrong or that they’re bad people for not being environmentally friendly, because no one wants to hurt the environment. In most situations it’s simply being uninformed about the topic and not being aware of the damage and harm that’s being done around them. And it isn’t anyone place to force people to change. What we must do is to educate the general population and create a more informed and aware community. By spreading awareness we can change the way people view the subject of climate change and this will make the biggest difference in helping combat it.

Our greatest weapon against climate change is being educated on the topic and educating others. Only then can we implement change to our society and rally together to stop large corporations from destroying our world. Hopefully this series of publications can inform even a small number of people on the devastating effects and harm that climate change does to us and everything around us. We can do better and be better and we can make a difference.

Work Cited:

Breeze, R. (2018, October 29). This statistic changed my entire perspective about climate change. Retrieved March 10, 2021, from https://medium.com/@remingtonbreeze/this-statistic-changed-my-entire-perspective-about-climate-change-ad324fd411ac



How Climate Change is Destroying the World

Hi I’m Ramy a sophomore at The University at Buffalo, majoring in Business Administration. I’m also a big clean energy activist and blogger.