Serverless MeetUps

Announcing Serverless Meetups in Melbourne & Sydney

Peter Sbarski
A Cloud Guru
3 min readMar 9, 2016


Sam Kroonenburg and I are excited to announce the launch of Melbourne and Sydney MeetUp groups focusing on serverless technology and architecture. We have blogged about serverless before (see #1, #2, #3 and #4) and why it kicks ass so we think it is time for the community to come together, share, and learn from one another.

If you just want to know what serverless is all about or if you are an expert practitioner — join our Melbourne or Sydney group for a night of fun, talks, food (and possibly deeper meaning). You might walk away knowing a little more about AWS Lambda, or the API Gateway, understand how people put entire backend systems together without a single server, or why 2016 is the year of serverless (sorry fire monkeys).

The inaugural Melbourne MeetUp will be held on April 20th. The event will start at 6pm. It will take place in Melbourne’s CBD (exact location TBA). Click here to join this MeetUp.

The inaugural Sydney MeetUp will be held on April 26th. The event will start at 6pm. It will take place in Sydney’s CBD (exact location TBA). Click here to join this MeetUp.

We need you to tell us if you are coming so that we can organise the right venue and food. So please join the Sydney or Melbourne (or come to both!) group and RSVP if you are willing to attend.

Our first MeetUp, in Melbourne and Sydney respectively, is going to be a busy one. There will be a bunch of lightning talks (want to talk? send us a message), a book launch and giveaways. It promises to be an exciting night for every one.

We’ll start 6pm sharp and our agenda will be as follows:

  • Welcome note from the organizers
  • What is this serverless thing all about (Peter Sbarski)? A quick debrief for those who are new. We’ll cover the principles of serverless (as we see them) and say why we think it has a great future.
  • Using Serverless Architecture in Practice (Sam Kroonenburg). Sam will tell us how he and the A Cloud Guru team used serverless tech to build a platform that supports over 40,000 users. How did he do it? I don’t know but Sam will spill his secrets.
  • Lightning Talk #3
  • Lightning Talk #4
  • Lightning Talk #5
  • Book Launch (you’ll hear from the authors!)
  • Giveaways
  • Food and drinks

Food (pizza) and drinks (beer) will be provided to all attendees.

We are looking for a few speakers to do lightning talks in Melb and Syd so if you have an interest in serverless please let Peter or Sam know.

We really hope to see you there so join us for a night (or two) of awesome talks, pizza, and giveaways.



Peter Sbarski
A Cloud Guru

Peter Sbarski is VP of Education & Research at A Cloud Guru and an AWS Serverless Hero. He also wrote, Serverless Architectures on AWS (Manning).