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A Cloud Guru
Jan 12, 2016
A Cloud Guru at AWS re:Invent 2019
A Cloud Guru at AWS re:Invent 2019
Where to find the gurus in Las Vegas!
A Cloud Guru
Nov 11, 2019
The Serverless Supercomputer
The Serverless Supercomputer
Harnessing the power of cloud functions to build a new breed of distributed systems
Tim Wagner
Oct 25, 2019
The State of Serverless, circa 2019
The State of Serverless, circa 2019
My observations from Serverlessconf NYC and the current state of serverless, the ecosystem, the friction, and innovation
Tim Wagner
Oct 14, 2019
Challenges of Serverless in 2017
Challenges of Serverless in 2017
Bringing serverless into the mainstream will require breaking with old habits — especially around tooling and documentation
Florian Motlik
Mar 2, 2017
Serverless Superheroes: Adam Johnson, Monitoring, and the “No Ops” Myth
Serverless Superheroes: Adam Johnson, Monitoring, and the “No Ops” Myth
Welcome to “Serverless Superheroes”!
Forrest Brazeal
Sep 13, 2017
How I scaled my static website to a global market for a fraction of the cost on AWS
How I scaled my static website to a global market for a fraction of the cost on AWS
Migrating from a server-based solution to S3 static website resulted in increased performance and decreased costs
Elliot Forbes
Aug 15, 2018
ServerlessConf: By the numbers …
ServerlessConf: By the numbers …
Holding a conference in NYC at the end of May was supposed to bring sunny but cooler days to enjoy a new conference in a dynamic part of…
Ant Stanley
Jun 15, 2016
AWS This Week from A Cloud Guru
Focus on features — not versions — when building products in the cloud
Focus on features — not versions — when building products in the cloud
Why are IT shops using versions to trade stability for productivity? Have your cake and eat it too by deploying features in the cloud!
James Beswick
May 30, 2017
Rising to the top of the Amazon Alexa Platform
Rising to the top of the Amazon Alexa Platform
An Alexa Development Champion offers insights and lessons on the importance of using a feedback loop with custom skills
Terren Peterson
Jan 2, 2017
About A Cloud Guru
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