The start of something

Tara Daniels
A Cog in the Steam Machine
2 min readJan 6, 2017

The first time I had ever encountered Steampunk in anyway was when I was 13. Even then it was through art that I was introduced to it by my friend. She had gotten a book on Steampunk to help with her Art GCSE and we had all got hooked on it. I thought that the ideas the art gave was interesting but I never imagined that it could be turned in to actual clothes. So when my friend went from being a Goth to being a Steampunk in less then a year. it fuelled my interest and even at Prom one of my friend went to prom in a Steampunk dress.

On the left me, On the right Rachael Webb

When me and my friends left school it happened that we all had chosen the same college. This mean that we all got to stay together to discover more about Steampunk, though all to different extents. I was one of the few that stayed more mainstream with my fashion with jeans and a t-shirt. But when the charity events came around I was always one to join in on the dressing up, as it was always fun. The college Head would give us buckets to walk around the campus to collect money because we always attracted attention.

Me in mainstream

After college finished and I stared University I found that the occasion never seemed to arise as often as before which helped in my decision to chose not to dress up in Steampunk.

Me as a steampunk

However I still feel that while being mainstream is convenient if I had a choice (and the money) I would wear Steampunk everyday.

