Can the pretty woman be funny?

Anthony Recenello
A Companion to Beautiful Army
2 min readMay 10, 2016

“I don’t think being pretty has any affect on being funny. Though I think that a lot of pretty girls don’t have to do anything but be pretty so that’s why they don’t develop humor, they don’t develop intellectually, they don’t develop in many other facets in life just because they fall on their looks. I wasn’t attractive as a kid and a lot of times I’ll dress down during the day — and I have makeup on right now so you’re like, “Merp merp merp,” but it’s a big difference. It’s like, “Oh you’re a girl? Nope! You’re a twelve year old Asian boy.” I think that’s really what it is.”

I believe us men put women in a Catch 22 when it comes to needing to be attractive. We expect you to be as attractive and sexy as you can possibly be, and we then complain how you have no personality when sexiness is what you try focusing on. Conversely, if you were born to be funny, it will conflict with our qualifications for how we think you should be sexually attractive. We make it so you can not win. Chalk that up to what I think is men’s existential need for conflict and an ultimate inability to be satisfied with life.

