Constant sexual harassment from men and most women don’t say a thing

Anthony Recenello
A Companion to Beautiful Army
1 min readMay 7, 2016

“I own a business in an industry that is predominantly male. So what happens is unfortunately people take meetings with me and either objectify me, treat it like a date, comment on my legs and ass, and even grab at me. You name it, it’s happened. A perfect example yesterday: A guy who is collaborating with me, he’s an actor, he sent me two photos of his dick. What was that for? We had never done anything, we’ve never hooked up. Totally out of the blue.”

Before I act blown away by each woman’s story, I do some self-discovery to see if I’ve done anything comparable in my own life. I’ve been an asshole and a liar. But I don’t think I’ve ever sent pictures of me uglies to a woman. The more experiences to which I sit down and listen, the more my awareness expands on the universal problem of women being objectified in everyday life. And, so affects my interactions with them.

A companion essay to the Beautiful Army story:

