Duality in Feminism?

Anthony Recenello
A Companion to Beautiful Army
2 min readApr 29, 2016

“What my main focus has been is cultivating my feminine energy. Especially because it’s something that’s not necessarily celebrated or even recommended. So I feel like it was sort of like a journey almost going against the grain working on that part of myself. I spent a lot of time just relaxing; going to the beach, hanging out, just allowing things to work out how they might, not really trying to be that forceful or actively participating. It was a process of breaking any type of identification with my masculine side. Not that I don’t like my masculine side but I feel like it’s already developed and strong enough. I wanted to do whatever possible to break from it. And it’s interesting even in terms of how feminine energy is received. On days when I’m really in the flow and relaxed, sometimes people walk up to me and give me cash or other things. So that’s why I know for sure that cultivating your feminine energy works. And I feel like most women would prefer if people just walked up and gave them things as opposed to having to work at some hard job.”

There is a gravitas with this woman. When she spoke to me, it was almost as though she was waiting for me to ask her these questions. She was the most secure with her words out of everyone I’ve interviewed so far. I realize more and more that life is about accepting the lifestyle of others as long as that lifestyle is not harming anyone. And she said it all as though it is the most true thing in the world. To me she is one of the most personally empowered women I’ve ever met.

As she was standing barefoot explaining to me about cultivating her feminine side two men briskly walked by and one without even a double-take nervously spit out of his mouth whatever he could muster as a knee-jerk reaction to the sucker punch he’d been delivered. It was a perfect manifestation of whatever godly vibe this woman was putting out to the world at that moment.

A companion essay to the Beautiful Army story: http://beautiful.army/post/143556851286/what-my-main-focus-has-been-is-cultivating-my

