Taking over

Anthony Recenello
A Companion to Beautiful Army
1 min readApr 25, 2016

While interviewing her I noticed how “no bullshit” her demeanor was. Even with this interview she got straight to business and did not hide or beat around the bush. Afterwards she told me what she hates about the feminist movement is how it seems feminists like to whine about problems but do nothing to improve their lives in spite of it. I think that often women will avoid identifying as a feminist because of the stigma attached. I think it’s important for people to both speak up about injustices while at the same time being aggressive about overcoming them in their own lives. I think she embodies the latter–and gracefully.

A companion essay to the Beautiful Army story: http://beautiful.army/post/143082218546/my-advice-if-youre-a-female-filmmaker-is-get

