Get off the beaten path

Take a risk.

Heather YamadaHosley
2 min readSep 18, 2013

Most any place you go, there’s always at least one “touristy” spot. The Colosseum in Rome, the Golden Pavilion in Kyoto, Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco. The examples are endless, but the a key idea to remember is that sometimes the best travel experiences can be gained from not rushing about to see all these famous sights.

Sure, seeing the Eiffel Tower light up at night is breath taking and beautiful, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find something just as spectacular on a side street or a short train ride into the country side. Finding the hidden gems in a place takes some stumbling around, but can make for some great memories! Some of my favorite times are wandering the streets of Kyoto, Rome, and Lisbon just soaking in the local culture.

When my friend Ashley and I visited Orvieto on the off season, we took in the famous paintings at the church, but also discovered a double helix well in the town. It was fun making our way to the bottom of the staircase, joking and chatting the whole way. We were able to appreciate the beauty of the construction and didn’t pressure ourselves to rush and see the rest of the town. A relaxing experience I look back on fondly!

So take your time when you travel, absorb the atmosphere of the place you’re visiting, and most of all get off the beaten path once and a while!

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Heather YamadaHosley

Turning every day into an adventure through constant curiosity. @curious_heather