Week 12

New Concepts & Wireframe Sketch

New/Final Concepts

Based on the feedback we got from our evaluative research, we updated our storyboards and combined 4 concepts into a more integrated experience.

Storyboard 1 — A goal-setting platform that embedded in a project-based curriculum for planning and reflection

We envision a future education to be project-based and more equally accessible in educational resources (eg. resources in neighboring schools). In this story, Claire is guided to plan her curriculum based on long-term career goals and her interested fields, while the system allows certain levels of flexibility in planning the project. The system also reminds her to reflect on her progress and provide supporting knowledge or resources accordingly, so that they could develop self-agency.

Storyboard 2 — A platform for making connections and building interpersonal agency

Students from immigrant families might not have the resources or supporting system that non-immigrant students have. The concept in this story is specially designed for students from immigrant families to build interpersonal agency when they need to seek help on college applications, financial aids, and major choices, etc.


We each sketched part of the wireframe based on the new storyboards and planned to discuss them next week.

