Not getting enough time to write?

Here a simple method to get your writing going…

Andrew Teoh
A Copywriters’ Journal
4 min readMar 3, 2019


If you’re reading this, you’re probably a writer or you want to be a writer with a full time job that takes up most of your time.

You want to write, but there are just too many things holding you back. And when there’s time available, your procrastinating mode kicks in telling you that you need the rest.

Well, I’ve been through that. In fact, as a writer for 8 years and on going I still procrastinate from time to time.

With so many things in your mind, how can you eventually take out a small amount of time to practice your writing?

One of the best way is to journal.

Why journaling? Because it simple and personal. You are articulating your thoughts by turning them into words.

Here’s the thing, if I were to ask you to take up 5 to 10 minutes of the free time that you have in the interval of your work to write about something, you would find it very hard to do so.

Thoughts such as,

“I need to clear my mind before I start writing.”

“Inspirations doesn’t just pop out like that.”

“If I were to have that 5 minutes, I would like to rest my mind.”

Of course, if you’re really dedicated in writing, this would be one great option for you to look into.

However, for common people like me. I tend to procrastinate whenever I could.

I just find it hard to switch my mind into writing mode in a short amount of time and switch it back to work mode after. It is just too tiring.

With that out of the equation, it got me thinking. How can I still practice my writing when I have my full time job(previously).

And that is when I found journaling helps.

Basically, when we talk about journaling, we are writing down our thoughts and feelings that we faced throughout the day.

And most of the time, writing a journal doesn’t have a definite format. You would just write.

So, I decided to take my journaling to the next level. By incorporating a framework into my journal, I was able to more or less train certain aspects of my writing.

My format goes like this.

Intro : I would write a general title or topic of my journal for the day

Content : I would proceed to write down the things I’ve went through in different tones. (Happy, angry, sad, frustrating and etc)

Conclusion : I would summarise the things that I’ve written.

After thoughts : Then, I would proceed to write about what can I do that would made what I experienced earlier a different outcome.

By using this framework, I was able to articulate my thoughts in interesting ways.

This helps me to release my pent up emotions on certain day as well. For instance, whenever I am frustrated I would try to tell the story in a frustrating and yet funny way.

As I wrote, I was able to learn to channel my emotions and turn them into words. I was able to see things in a different perspective as well.

This framework has helped me go through some of the tough test times when I was still working in corporate and striving to come out as a solo copywriter.

Today I even when I’m a full time copywriter, I still practice this method.

It’s a good way to check my emotion level at the end of the day and it’s also a form of practice.

What if I want to practice other formats of writing?

I know that for some of you, this method would not really work because of the type of writing that you’re aiming for.

But I would say that this method is just one of the method and it’s actually quite flexible to work with.

Say, if you want to write a fantasy story, you can always add in some fantasy elements in your journal. Hey, it’s your journal after all.

And most importantly, again, this is just one of the exercise. During my weekends I do intentionally take up 2–3 hours honing my writing skills. (I believe you would do the same as well if you’re passionate about writing.)

So there you go, it’s a short and easy to read tip for those who want to write but find it hard.

There are still many methods to for you to squeeze in some writing practice time in between.

If anyone of you have some better ideas, do share it at the comment section. Let’s help one another to fulfil our passion to make writing as a career.



Andrew Teoh
A Copywriters’ Journal

Copywriter | Digital Marketer | I am a true believer that the only way to reach out is to create meaningful content through storytelling.