Write like there’s no tomorrow

Consistency is the key to mastery

Andrew Teoh
A Copywriters’ Journal
4 min readMar 16, 2019


Credits: Andrew Teoh

How many times in a day do we procrastinate? Having a spark of inspiration but succumbed to the idea of, “I’m tired today, I guess I’ll do it tomorrow.”

*raises my hand* I am totally guilty of that.

It’s easy for us to get inspired, but it’s not easy for us to take action.

This happens to all of us, so don’t punish yourself for that.

Whenever that happens to me, I would feel down. But I will do my best to get back up and get moving.

Consistency is the key to mastery.

This is an advice that is old but gold. In today’s modern world of content creating, we are too drawn into the technology and techniques on how to create a content that will attract audiences.

However, in the process of pursuing these things, we began to lose sight of the core essence of being a content creator.

I remember someone told me that, “You might see how easy Picasso can create a masterpiece work in 5 minutes, but you have no idea how many hours that he has poured into his practice to be able to create a masterpiece in mere 5 minutes.”

This advice has always been a good reminder for me whenever I feel like I want to procrastinate.

Practice makes perfect. With that said, consistency is the key.

And this is why regardless good or bad days that I have, I don’t stop creating contents. Be it a full article like this, or just a short post with a good photo attached along.

I just kept on creating.

Will I be sacrificing the quality of my own content?

If I were to be honest, no matter how good we are in creating contents, there will still be some good ones and bad ones.

In fact, not all my contents are top notch contents. Maybe 2 out of 10 contents that I’ve created I would consider really good. Others, aren’t bad, but just not to my expectation.

But does that mean I shouldn’t post it?

Of course not!!!

After all, when a content is created, different people will have different impressions and response when they interact with the content.

I remember there was one article that I’ve written that I didn’t really think my audience would’ve like. But it ended up to be one of most view piece in that particular month.

From that point onwards, I began to learn how to let loose while I’m creating a content.

Maybe it’s our perfectionist mindset and the demanding expectation in our work that hinders us from creating a great piece of content.

This is a classic struggle that I often face. I would just come out with a content and when I’m editing it I would find it ‘not up to my standard’.

So, I would just delete the whole content and re-write the whole thing.

However, in my progress of re-writing the content, the worst it becomes. Things that I’ve written doesn’t seem to make sense and at the end, I dropped the whole content.

If you were to see my draft archives, you’ll be amazed by the sheer amount of unfinished draft due to my own stubbornness and expectations.

As for now, I’m in the process of learning to accept that not all content outcomes are within my expectation. And I will allow my thought process to guide me throughout my writing.

With that, I was able to post at least one article a week and create short contents on a daily basis.

Practice makes perfect

It is all about building a consistent habit of creating.

Now, as I look back at the time where I’m constantly picky about the things I write in comparison to the present where I create and share my work as much as I could, I found a shift in creative fulfilment and growth in my work.

I expanded my range of content, now I write articles, take photos and post short content, and occasionally vlog.

I am no longer the stuck up writer that thinks “I know everything about creating a good content.”

It is a journey of trial and error, exploration, and increasing my capacity as a content creator.

So write like there’s no tomorrow, constantly hone your skill even when you don’t feel like it.

Build that habit. And if you do it long enough, you see the seeds that you sowed in starts to bear fruits.



Andrew Teoh
A Copywriters’ Journal

Copywriter | Digital Marketer | I am a true believer that the only way to reach out is to create meaningful content through storytelling.