A Cornered Gurl Reboot

ACG Reboot Submission Guidelines

Tre L. Loadholt
A Cornered Gurl
4 min readSep 25, 2022


ACG’s new logo. Created with Canva.

In A Cornered Gurl, you will be encouraged to share your heart’s work, whatever you feel should be shared but have been afraid of doing so. In this publication, we will grow, cry, feel, and become one together. We will try many things that most will not and we will fail, flop, spring up, and lift off together. But, we cannot do it without a few ground rules. So here they are:

  1. All work submitted must be original content written by you. No previously published work, and no duplicating published work published in A Cornered Gurl. What do I mean by this? If you have submitted it to ACG for publishing and it has been published and I notice the content elsewhere on Medium or any of the other writing platforms I may visit, you will be notified and it will be pulled from ACG. Your personal blog or websites are excluded (Please direct readers to the links of the original posts).
  2. Any images used upon submission must credit the artist/creator/website, etc., where the creative content was found and must have a link directing us to that site unless you are the source — just your name and description will do.
  3. Submissions are only accepted in a draft form directly submitted to A Cornered Gurl once you have been added as a writer. Once your draft has been reviewed and scheduled for publishing, please notify me via email (acorneredgurl[AT]gmail[DOT]com) if you wish to have any changes made to it afterward.
  4. To be a writer in ACG, private notes here on Medium must be activated as this is how I will communicate with you about your submitted draft. If I have contacted you regarding your draft over a span of three days with no response, the draft will be removed and submitted back to you.
  5. How do you become a writer? Please email me at acorneredgurl[AT]gmail[DOT]com using “Please Add Me” as the subject line. Please include the link to your Medium profile for review in the body of the email.
  6. I will not publish content disrespectful in nature to anyone’s race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, social and/or financial economic status, or anything else I regard as insensitive rhetoric/discourse.
  7. All submissions should have 3 tags of your own choosing, but please leave two blank spaces for the other two tags which will be selected before publishing in A Cornered Gurl. Writers can have up to 3 pieces published per week; one on each publishing day. Please do not submit more than 3 pieces per week, and please be mindful of your submissions.
  8. Anyone being added to A Cornered Gurl will need to be at least eighteen years of age.
  9. Previously, ACG was a “Read for All” publication, meaning I only published content not behind Medium’s paywall. The times have changed; with inflation and the cost of living skyrocketing as it has done, I understand every bit of *change* we get as creators helps. I, however, will publish content that will most likely not be behind the paywall here.

What is the theme?

A Cornered Gurl: We want the REAL you. A Cornered Gurl is a space for writers to “come as they are” and truly be who they are.

What will I publish?

•Heartwork (to include fiction (1,200 words max), non-fiction (1,200 words max), & poetry) •Tales of the South •Our Story (Stories about who you & and your family are) •Micropoetry •Challenges

A sidenote about poetry: All poetry should be single-spaced. To do this, you’ll need to be on a laptop or computer and use the shortcuts “SHIFT + ENTER” to make this happen. Or, if you’re like me, you can draft your poem in another word document that allows single-line spacing and then copy + paste your poem to Medium’s draft/story option.

When will I publish content?

Mondays, Fridays, and Sundays by 7:00 pm, US ET/EDT. A total of 8–9 pieces will be published on those days.

We are on Instagram.

You can follow us on Instagram. Snippets of ACG’s writers’ work will be shared here as our social media site. We hope to see you there!

*Being that I am getting the care I need for keratoconus and will soon be introduced to scleral contacts to enhance my vision, I felt it best to get started again here in ACG. I have truly missed it. I hope you will join me once again.



Tre L. Loadholt
A Cornered Gurl

I am more than breath & bones. I am nectar in waiting. “You write like a jagged, beautiful dream.” ©Martha Manning •https://acorneredgurl.com