A Fool’s Wish

I lost you forever

ezer agyin
A Cornered Gurl
2 min readApr 15, 2019


I loved you best (Original image from Dheny Patunga photography)

To wish I’d never fallen in love with you
To wish I’d never shown the love I have for you
To wish you were better a lover than a friend
To wish you were still here to hold my hand
To wish I could stop wishing
Hit a refresh button and start all over with you again
To the very dot on the time machine when we were vulnerable to each other’s flaws
Told tales of love’s defiles
Texted a lifetime of unspoken words
When I was your abode from the chaos of your work
And you the spinach for the weakness in me

To wish I’d never stolen that first kiss
To wish you had never kissed back
To wish you hadn’t visited that late night in a haste
To wish I hadn’t given you that warm massage that leached the scars love left on your skin deeper from your reach
To wish I hadn’t kissed your skin to shutter your thick grown shells of independence and left you on your knees breaking promises you made yourself years before

To wish there's a way I can apologize for snatching love away from you soon as I convinced you to hold on to it
To wish I was rather you than me
To wish I can still tell you how much you mean to me
To wish I can stop being an idiot and tell you I love you
For all these million wishes crush my heart, to wish I'd never met you
The only sure way I'd know I would have never hurt you



ezer agyin
A Cornered Gurl

I live under the spell of the third house. Possessed, and cannot be saved.