A supplication.

I pray that my words do not fall on deaf ears.

Micahela Mobley
A Cornered Gurl
1 min readJun 8, 2020


A protester raises a clenched fist in front of a burning building in Minneapolis. (AFP Photo)
A protester raises a clenched fist in front of a burning building in Minneapolis. (AFP Photo)

Oh Lord, hear my prayer.
We are dying in the streets
And it seems as if no one cares.
By bullet, poverty, and virus.
There is no justice in this air.

Oh Lord, hear my plea.
All I want for my people is life.
To breathe without fear.
To love, to laugh, to thrive.
To simply be free.

Oh Lord, hear my cry.
The world around us is bleak.
It is getting harder to fight this darkness.
If joy comes in the morning,
Then we are still waiting for the sun to rise.



Micahela Mobley
A Cornered Gurl

Griot | Educator | Liberation Seeker. I think, write, teach, and create many things centered on culture, joy, healing & justice. For more, GetInTheMicks.com