Before She Hears Another Teacher.

Let your every word and ways be a foundation for her safety.

A Cornered Gurl
4 min readApr 26, 2019


Photo by Sundance on Daily Beast

*Trigger warning: The Story you are about to read is themed in pedophilic rape and sexual assault. If reading within these topics could make you uncomfortable, please do not proceed further than this!

Henry could never have remembered how long the smashing had gone on for, not while he's still covered in dripping blood.

With bloody fluids slobbering over his slack jaw;
A swollen eye, he couldn’t behold a thing with that eye, not any time soon.

His blood soon leaked off his frame; his energy drained in pain while his vision slowly dimmed away.

The sound of a metal rod dropping on the wooden floor woke him up; not enough to initiate an energy gain.

With his skull deadly placed on the wooden desk, he wouldn’t feel his neck. If someone would at least tell him if it was gone or still there.

Don’t pity him, Henry was evil himself.

He had smelled a bit of what evil gifts its sheep.

Here is how…

Henry worked with a community cleaners group. His job demanded he wakes up 4 AM every morning to his early morning shift. Henry would, at times, drink five shots at a nearby bar every time he finished his first shift. People do say “sometimes he behaves like a crazy fellow,” a bachelor with a zero savings record. He was known to spend all his earnings on food and at the bartender’s shop. The day he showed up at a child’s party 10 miles from his abode was the craziest of all. Out of his monthly earnings, he bought extra cookies to be shared amongst the kids which he swung across as Santa Claus would.

The next day, a ten-year-old girl was off to school which was 20 miles from her home with a water bottle roped around her neck.

Walking childishly what does she know? There was Henry’s home near the gas station. She stopped by to say thank you for the extra cookie she received yesterday at her friend’s birthday party. She entered Henry’s room and then He raped her

She escaped when she had the chance. Henry wouldn't just have allowed her to escape like that...

The little girl’s assault wasn’t his first, but goodness had made it his last.

At first, you seem to take pity on Henry...

Every dying man demands to be saved but not all are worthy to be.

I thought of it and you might have too: thought of different ways Henry might have been punished.

Teachers and Parents everywhere…

Parents: When you are at home, you are their teacher.
Teachers: When they get to class, you are their teacher.
Parents: When they are with friends, you are their teacher;
Parents and teachers: When they walk alone, they are their very own teacher, but you still remain their teacher.

And what it boils down to:

Who to listen to?

34.4% of African female kids were victims to rape and assault cases in the year 2012/2013. So many have been victims. — Women at Risk International Foundation

They are out there, but your child is right here with you at risk.

Give them power! Knowledge is power.

I once taught sex education to children within the age bracket of 7 to 15 years, in a school. I would remember one kid amongst 20 of them all, smart and outspoken, she would be about 11 years old, requiring of me against what I’d taught them. She countered, “My mummy said there’s no wrong in kissing other people nor visiting friends’ home.” I then asked her, “Your mummy really told you all that?” She replied, “she wouldn’t call it bad if I did; I’d done it several times before now.”

See that? Her mum wouldn’t stop her. I and my team tried our best to put her through but as a teacher,

It’s hard to teach a student what his/her parent kicks against.

Girls’ molestation isn’t the end of the story, several boys are being molested also in this wicked world.

Play your part as a parent and a teacher

  1. Inform them about private body parts early: give them the proper names. In the sense, that would be proper enough to say to them every day in front of anybody. I’ve worked with a lot of children who calls their penis and vagina “my thing” and “my bom-bom” respectively.
  2. Teach them the importance of privacy: Tell them the reason why it’s called private and that’s because they are not for people to see. If Dad or mummy sees it, that’s fine but not any other person.
  3. Give them the rule of thumb: Tell them “no one should touch you anywhere close to these private parts. If anyone does, don’t hesitate to tell mummy or daddy.” You might also want to tell them not to visit friends or family home on their own without mum or dad approving the visit.
  4. Teach them how to get out of uncomfortable situations: Tell them if they ever get into any kind of trouble, they can shout at the top of their voice mummy and daddy or someone close by, would hear them.

Before she hears another teacher, be her first.

Based on a true life story.

Shine on!



A Cornered Gurl

"Nothing costs too much if its story is told right" • Storyteller • Writer • Poet • Lover of God🌴